Smart Beta Strategy For Smart And Traditional -

Smart Beta Strategy For Smart And Traditional Video

Smart Beta Strategies: How to Use Them to Enhance Your Portfolio

Smart Beta Strategy For Smart And Traditional - you were

Smart Beta ETFs are ETFs that track the performance of an index that is not necessarily market-cap-weighted or weighted by conventional metrics. Smart Beta ETFs can be considered as an intelligent version of passive investment products. These are factored indices, where a fund manager follows an index based on certain sacrosanct rules. Smart Beta ETFs bring in the advantages of both passive and active management by combining both into a single model. It is a rule-based systematic approach to choose companies with specific metrics. They are aimed at enhancing returns and reducing risk as compared to traditional capitalization-weighted benchmark ETFs. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Financial Express is now on Telegram. Click here to join our channel and stay updated with the latest Biz news and updates. Unlike traditional ETFs which blindly track an index, smart beta ETFs are based on customized indexes with one or more predetermined factors. Smart Beta Strategy For Smart And Traditional.

Every day a new investment firm claims they are trailblazing the area that lies between passive management and active management. Seeing themselves as cowboys who are discovering the Grand Canyon for the sgsdfg time, they ride in with all kinds of new overlays or secret filters to spot stock market winners.

In order to discover something new, one needs to take an entirely different approach—such as not attempting to pick winners in the first place! Some call such an approach factor-driven investing, others call it Smart Beta, and still others use very specific overlay approaches to reap these benefits. Defining the advantages and benefits of the respective spectrum ends is easy.

A unified definition of this area between the two, however, remains elusive. Yet, seemingly, virtually nothing changes. The respective benefits of active and passive management are well known.

Smart Beta Strategy For Smart And Traditional

Active management—also known as direct stock picking—claims to offer better performance, particularly when the market swoons. Whereas passive management—also known as index investing—offers comparable market exposure but with lower many fees. Many firms claim to harness the best of both worlds by creating rule-based products that, nonetheless, still pick stock market winners. We might argue, however, that this is the worst of both worlds.


You see, we believe that any of these approaches still rely on picking winners. However, this requires the ability to forecast the future, which is impossible. And firms are charging greater fees than their passively-managed counterparts despite persistent underperformance. At New Age Alpha, we believe all risk originates with human behavior. Specifically, this type of idiosyncratic risk is FFor to the stock itself, as opposed to the firm as a whole. To mitigate this risk, we calculate the Human Factor, the likelihood that a company will fail to deliver the growth implied by the stock price.


And unlike a traditional portfolio manager, we take an actuarial-based approach to managing risk. We focus only on known, rather than unknown. New Age Alpha, through use of the Human Factor, seeks to outperform without increasing exposure to widely recognized risk factors such as size, value or momentum. This is because, if one defines factor-based investing or Smart Beta as enhanced passive management, we are decidedly not that. By measuring and avoiding human behavior, we are not handcuffed by the rigidity of a benchmark.

Smart Beta Strategy For Smart And Traditional

This Smatt in portfolio options that have not only historically outperformed but have done so without significant correlation to the components of other widely used benchmarks. Compare this to an old-world marinara sauce. Many, if not most, red sauces use tomatoes as their central component—not unlike most investment products that originate from the same indexes. But, while a well-made red sauce is exquisite, some sauces are little more than ketchup.

We view beta as simply another age-old metric that is, itself, rooted in human behavior. After all, beta is a reflection of market price movement, and our position is that market prices are ultimately determined by humans.

Stock Market

Also, implicit in traditional Smart Beta strategies is the notion that Should Stay Illegal beta of a portfolio will be no different than that of the universe and outperformance will result from successful stock selection. In contrast, Btea, our portfolios may have a beta less than 1 even as they may outperform on a relative basis. Of the commonly used factors, those that best explain performance are Profitability return on equity and Quality debt-to-equity. Yet these are calculated exclusively from financial statements—the exact process we use to avoid Stdategy risk of human behavior. Meanwhile, we believe factors such as Volatility and Value are least predictive of performance and, not Smart Beta Strategy For Smart And Traditional, rooted in human behavior. Factors, beta, volatility…any of these are simply different manifestations of the same problem.

Another grasps its leg and compares it to a tree. A third touches the ear and says an elephant is a giant leaf. None of the men are wrong, precisely. And it all comes back to perception.]

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