Similarities Between Marx And Locke Video
John Locke \u0026 Karl Marx: Whose Capitalism? Whose Socialism? Similarities Between Marx And Locke.
Purpose of this chapter is to explain the need of the state for the maintenance of the social order, arising due to emergence of evils in the society. The origin of state is explained by a social Similarities Between Marx And Locke under which people gather together and through an agreement choose the best person among them to take upon the responsibility of punishing the wrong doer and commit to Similarities Between Marx And Locke him taxes in the form of a portion of their produce. I have not kept a single teaching hidden in a closed hand. Everything that is useful for you, I have already given. Be your own guiding light. He rebelled against existing Brahmanical order and the sacrificial religious rituals to create a new order based on the rationally derived principles righteous life, the Dhamma.
His alternative, he provides, is quite radical — the egalitarian collectives, modeled on the Sanghas Similarities Between Marx And Locke founded by him [3]. The practice of the Dhamma would lead to creation of society check this out rom miseries and sufferings, the state of Moksha [4]. If transported from spiritual to material world, it would get paralleled by the state of human emancipationthe state of the classless society in the Marxist parlance.
Buddha BC 6 th -5 th centuryremains the greatest revolutionary thinker, teacher and activist in the history, like Marx in the 19 th century, in terms of the vision of and active campaign for the egalitarian, collective society free from human miseries. Like Marx over years after him, Buddha was a philosopher, who not only sought to interpret the world but also change it. His teachings shall remain valuable till there are miseries and sufferings on the earth. There is no scope or need to digress into the comparison of Buddha with Marx, who too like him, envisaged a world free from miseries — a state of human emancipation free from exploitation of human beings by other human beings. The purpose of reference to Marx is to allude to the similarities in terms of rational comprehension of society; the vision, worldview, conviction and commitment towards a just society in their respective contexts, across the time and space.
The alternative is not only for the ethical and social realms but the principles of Dhamma, as envisioned by Buddha, are equally desirable in the political realm also. The head of the political community, the state, in the Buddhist teachings, is not a divine or dynastic ruler but a rule of the Mahasammat — the great elect. The history of political theory in India in terms of the theory of state can be traced to the Buddhist texts, Dighanikaya and Anuguttaranikay, two of the five Buddhist Nikyas collections [5].
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Buddha was the first Indian thinker to propound a theory of origin of state by social contract not in the divine but in the real world, as it existed. The history of state is, roughly, as old as the history of civilization itself that evolved with the rise and development of private property and the consequent class division of societies into the classes of the haves and the have-nots.

Hence the state, as an institution of governance is not natural nor universal but historic. It developed as an instrument of the new status-quo, i. The first, being the invention of the private property. Ever since distinguishing themselves from the animal kingdom around 3 million years ago, for the most part of it, humans have lived without private property and state in the egalitarian communes. Humans began to distinguish themselves from the animal-kingdom by producing and Similarjties their means of livelihood by exercising labor upon the nature, with hands as the tool to begin with.
Henceforth the human history has been the history of evolutionary and revolutionary development in the production of livelihood and the development of the tools of production. Humans are also called as tool making animals. Just click for source could develop the techniques and tools of laboring by the development human species-specific attribute, the ability to think, the mental development.
Ever since, labor has been the continuing link of livelihood through all the historical epochs. Thus the history of state, i. In Vedic and post-Vedic literature, we do not find any theorization Similarities Between Marx And Locke the state, as a law making and enforcing authority Simllarities a fixed domain. They lived in tribal and Similarities Between Marx And Locke organizations, authorities of which operated on the basis of customs and kinship traditions and bonds, with no fixed geographical territory.

As RS Sharma informs us the first implicit, divinized reference to the process of state formation is found in the Aitreya Brahmin [10]. There was no theory of state, Similatities there was no state. Ideas historically emanate from the object.
State had not yet acquired firm footing; it was still in the process of formation.
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From the clan and kinship organizations in ancient India, emerged advanced political entities in the form of Mahajanpadas [11] and the Sanghasknown as the post-Vedic republics. The first reference of the contract theory of state, found in in Aitreya Brahman is mythological. The Suras Gods approached, Indra, the most efficient war leader among them, for the imminent wars between Sura Gods and Asura demons [12] — a euphemism for Aryan-non Aryan conflict [13].]
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