Sales Over The Past Three Years -

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Set within the fictional state of San Andreas, based on Southern Californiathe single-player story follows three protagonists —retired bank robber Michael De Santa, street gangster Franklin Clinton, and drug dealer and arms smuggler Trevor Philips —and their efforts to commit heists while under pressure from a corrupt government agency and powerful criminals.

The open world design lets players freely roam San Andreas' open countryside and the fictional city of Los Santos, Salee on Los Angeles.

Sales Over The Past Three Years

The game is played from either a third-person or first-person perspective, and its world is navigated on foot and by vehicle. Players control the three lead protagonists throughout single-player and switch among them, both during and outside missions. The story is centred on the heist sequences, and many missions involve shooting and driving gameplay. A "wanted" system governs the aggression of law enforcement response to players who commit crimes. Grand Theft Auto Onlinethe game's online multiplayer mode, lets up to 30 players engage in a Sales Over The Past Three Years of different cooperative and competitive game modes. The game's development began soon after Grand Theft Auto IV 's release and was shared between many of Rockstar's studios worldwide.

The development team drew influence from many of their previous projects such as Red Dead Redemption and Max Payne 3 and designed the game around three lead protagonists to innovate on the core structure of its predecessors. Much of the development work constituted the open world's creation, and several team members conducted field research around California to capture footage for see more design team. The game's soundtrack features an original score composed by a team of producers who collaborated over several years.

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It received widespread critical acclaim, with praise directed at its multiple protagonist design, open world, presentation and gameplay. However, it caused controversies related to its depiction of violence and women. Considered one of seventh and eighth generation console gaming 's most significant titles and among the best video games ever madeit won year-end accolades including Game of the Year awards from several gaming publications. Grand Theft Auto V is Yaers action-adventure game [2] played from either a third-person [3] or first-person perspective.

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Composed of the San Andreas open countryside area, including the fictional Blaine County, source the fictional city of Los Santos, the world is much larger in area than earlier entries in the series. Players use melee attacks, firearms and explosives to fight enemies, [d] and may run, jump, swim or use vehicles to navigate Tbe world.

Sales Over The Past Three Years

The meter enters a cool-down mode and eventually Saes when players are hidden from the officers' line of sight that displays on the mini-map. The single-player mode lets players control three characters: Michael De Santa, Trevor Philips and Franklin Clinton—criminals whose stories interconnect as they complete missions. Some missions are completed with only one character and others feature two or three.

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The game may switch characters automatically during missions to complete specific objectives. A character's compass avatar will flash red if he is in danger and needs help, and flash white if he has a strategic advantage.

Sales Over The Past Three Years

If an accomplice survives a successful heist, they take a cut from the cash reward [20] and may be available for later missions with improvements to their unique skills. Each character has a set of eight skills that represent their ability in specific areas such as shooting and driving. Though skills improve through play, each character has a skill with expertise by default e.]

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