Personal Themes In The Great Gatsby -

Personal Themes In The Great Gatsby

Personal Themes In The Great Gatsby Video

Symbolism in The Great Gatsby

For: Personal Themes In The Great Gatsby

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Personal Themes In The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby Many people dream of being rich and famous because they want to be honored and idolized by people.

Personal Themes In The Great Gatsby

Scott Fitzgerald which was considered his masterpiece in the year Jay Gatsby only wished to be with Daisy, the girl that he truly loved. Nick Carraway is a young man from Minnesota who moves to New York to learn about the bond business. He rents a house in West Egg, Long Island, a place where newly rich people live.

Personal Themes In The Great Gatsby

He lives next to Jay Gatsby, the mysterious owner of the grand mansion who throws lavish parties every Saturday night. Tom Buchanan has an affair with Myrtle Wilson. After a short time, Tom suspects the extraordinary relationship of his wife with Gatsby. Though Tom is involved in an affair, he is deeply insulted by the idea that his wife could also cheat on him. One day, Tom forced the group to go to New York to have lunch in Plaza Hotel, where he confronts Gatsby about his relationship with Daisy. Tom announced that Gatsby is a bootlegger and his involved on other illegal activities, and Daisy demanded to go home.

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On the way home, Myrtle was hit and killed by the car of Gatsby. Tom told Wilson, the husband of Myrtle, that the car who hit his wife is owned by Gatsby. While Gatsby is relaxing in his pool, Wilson shoots and kills Gatsby and himself. After the small funeral Nick arranged for Gatsby, he ended his relationship with Jordan, and moves back to Midwest.

Gatsby loved the Daisy he once knew, or how he remembers her to be.

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Was it really only because he was insulted that Daisy would cheat on him too? Finally, the main character Nick claimed he loved Jordan Baker, but found it necessary to separate from her at the end of the book. There seems to be a lot of love going around in the story, but somehow love became something that ruined their lives, because somehow, it never became what the characters or what the readers knew it was supposed to be. Nevertheless there was a vague Themfs that had to be tactfully broken off before I was free. Oddly he cheated on Daisy, but he loved her.]

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