Normative Definition Of Deviance -

Normative Definition Of Deviance Video

Perspectives on deviance: Differential association, labeling theory, and strain theory Normative Definition Of Deviance.

Conflict Theory

In this section, we will learn how three sociological paradigms discussed in Chapter 1 —functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism—can be applied to deviance. We will also learn about other related theories that have been developed specifically to explain particular aspects of deviance.

Normative Definition Of Deviance

As you may recall, adherents of functionalism argue that each element of social structure helps maintain the stability of society. What, then, is the function of deviance for society?


First, deviance can help a society clarify its moral boundaries. We are reminded about our shared notions of what is right when we have to address wrongdoings of various sorts. Take the case of Cecil the lion, a well-known and well-loved black-maned lion Normative Definition Of Deviance was killed in Zimbabwe by an American trophy hunter in The year-old lion had protected status within the borders of the Hwange National Park but was allegedly lured outside the park confines by a fresh elephant carcass, making it possible for Walter Palmer, a dentist from Minnesota, to track and eventually kill the lion on a neighboring farm.

Normative Definition Of Deviance

Cecil was then skinned and his head removed, his body left behind with his GPS collar missing. In his defense, Palmer claimed that everything Normative Definition Of Deviance the trip was legal and properly conducted. But many felt that the killing of such a rare magnificent lion was immoral, even if it was legal. The story became a viral sensation, uniting people in a worldwide outcry against big-game hunting in general and Palmer in particular. Millions of people spoke out on social media and some even demonstrated outside his office in Bloomington, forcing him into hiding. His Facebook page and Yelp account were inundated with vitriolic posts. Social cohesion is central to other theories of deviance as well.

Norrmative both internal and external forces regulating behavior, Hirschi argued that social bonds promote conformity Hirschi ]

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