My Leadership My Weaknesss And Strengths Of -

My Leadership My Weaknesss And Strengths Of Video

What's your leadership strength? My Leadership My Weaknesss And Strengths Of

My Leadership My Weaknesss And Strengths Of - helpful information

I was recently asked to participate in an Anonymous Audit activity where I had to ask people I respected what they consider my strengths and weaknesses to be. This is not a new concept, most of us have been involved In some part of degree feedback process. I have done this many times as the leader of my company, gathering relevant data from my employees or customers on how I can achieve a better outcome for them and as a result my business. However, I found this audit raised more questions for me than answers. What I mean by that is how important is it for someone to point out your strengths and weaknesses from their perspective? My Leadership My Weaknesss And Strengths Of

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Within interpersonal communication, the skill of assertion is absolutely vital; it is a skill we are constantly utilising either consciously or unconsciously. Through nurturing the skill of assertiveness a person may have fruitful relationships with family, friends, peers, superiors and subordinates Rakos, based on honesty and equality.

My Leadership My Weaknesss And Strengths Of

The click here of Assertiveness can be viewed in differently within diverse cultures, for example in the highly extraverted, expressive and individualistic culture that is apparent in America; Assertiveness is a particularly important, if not essential skill. However in the much more reserved and introverted culture of Britain more emphasis is placed on interpersonal sensitivity, being a rewarding partner and the use of non-verbal signals Forgas, The skill of Assertion has 9 main functions, these include; helping individuals to ensure that their personal rights are not violated, make reasonable requests of others, recognise the personal rights of others, avoid unnecessary aggressive conflicts and confidently, and openly communicate their position regarding any issue Hargie, Assertiveness is a skill that is learned and training is available for those who may find it hard to assert their feelings within a social context.

My Leadership My Weaknesss And Strengths Of

Assertiveness is a great skill to possess however there are times when an assertive response may in fact be the least responsive, in such times a non assertive or passive response may be what is required. The different levels of response are displayed well by the continuum which ranges from Non Assertive — Assertive — Aggressive.

In most instances people should aim to remain as close to assertive on the continuum go here possible, as this promotes both standing up for yourself whilst also taking the other persons views into consideration. As a result of my Assertiveness practical I found myself to be just slightly towards the more non-assertive side of the continuum.

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I was quite pleased with this result as I did not want to be positioned too close to aggressive or non assertive. Accentuating your message with appropriate gestures can add emphasis, openness and warmth. I found the tone of my voice to be conversational but not overly friendly and I felt this was perfect for the situation, the other people involved in the practical commented on the intensity of my voice being quite firm but not intimidating as the still felt comfortable. Analysing my practical led me to see that I excelled in complex direct assertion, most notably the use of embellishments. I was particularly well versed in the use of both Praise and Empathy.]

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