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It is important to understand what obsolescence means and how it can impact your production. Obsolescence is the process of becoming obsolete or outdated and no longer used. It does not mean an item is now defective or no longer of high quality. As your product ages, so does the PCB and the components used. Over time, these components may not be available from the original equipment manufacturer OEM. This could be due to the OEM going out of business or the component being discontinued.

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THE PASSION OF TRAVELLING IS MY PASSION 5 days ago · “Obsolescence management is a challenge, whether you’re in early-stage design or late-stage maintenance and repair,” explains Mike Bray, Vice President of DesignSpark at RS. “It’s the single biggest obstacle to finishing a new design because you need to have the confidence that a part will be viable two or three years down the line. 6 days ago · What does “obsolescence management” mean? There is a lot to consider when commissioning a contract electronic manufacturer (CEM) for your PCB amazonia.fiocruz.brularly if you’re working in a heavy regulated industry where the components used are restricted by governing bodies. 2 days ago · obsolescence management this chapter describes proactive obsolescence management the idea is to proactively track life cycle information on selected parts in order to. strategies to the prediction mitigation and management of product obsolescence Dec 09, Posted By Sidney Sheldon Publishing.
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Managerial Obsolescence

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OK, I understand. RS has now created a tool to help businesses and individual designers avoid this issue.

Managerial Obsolescence

The solution that RS have created is a digital tool called Obsolescence Manager, which sits within the DesignSpark website. It means you can see at a glance if a product is still active Managerial Obsolescence fit to be used in a new design, or if you need to find an alternative Mangaerial will do the same job.

Obsolescence Management Services & Consulting

From this you can see the status of parts and whether you need a different product. So what happens if the part you need is obsolete?

Managerial Obsolescence

Handily, the tool will automatically suggest an alternative part. It also enables users to save parts lists for re-checking throughout a design cycle, or to change as design requirements iterate. RS also has plans to add new functionality to Obsolescence Manager in the near Managerial Obsolescence, which Bray believes will make the tool even more useful.]

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