Is the US Constitution Still Able to -

Is the US Constitution Still Able to - was specially

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She is the world's oldest commissioned naval vessel still afloat. The name "Constitution" was among ten names submitted to President George Washington by Secretary of War Timothy Pickering in March of for the frigates that were to be constructed.

Her first duties were to provide protection link American merchant shipping during the Quasi-War with France and to defeat the Barbary pirates in the First Barbary War. The battle with Guerriere earned her the nickname " Old Ironsides " and public adoration that has repeatedly saved her from scrapping. She continued to serve as flagship in the Mediterranean and African squadrons, and she circled the world in the s. She carried American artwork and industrial displays to the Paris Exposition of Constitution was retired from active service in and served as a receiving ship until being designated a museum ship in Inshe completed a three-year, port tour of the nation.

She sailed under her own power for her th birthday inand again in August to commemorate the th anniversary of her victory over Guerriere.

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As a fully commissioned Navy ship, her crew of 60 officers and sailors participate in ceremonies, educational programs, and special events while keeping her open to visitors year round and providing free tours. The officers and crew are all active-duty Navy personnel, and the assignment is considered to be special duty. InBarbary pirates began to seize American merchant vessels in the Mediterranean Sea, most notably from Algiers. In alone, 11 American ships were captured and their crews and stores held for ransom.

Is the US Constitution Still Able to

To combat this problem, proposals were made for warships to protect American shipping, resulting in the Naval Act of Joshua Humphreys ' design was unusual for the time, being deep, [15] long on keelnarrow of beam widthand mounting very continue reading guns. The design called for a diagonal riders intended to restrict hogging and sagging while giving the ships extremely heavy planking.

This design gave the hull a greater strength than a more lightly built frigate. It was based on Humphrey's realization that the fledgling United States could not match the European states in the size of their navies, so they were designed to overpower any other frigate while escaping from a ship of the line.

Is the US Constitution Still Able to

Simons, Georgia. A peace accord was announced between the United States and Algiers in Marchand construction was halted in accordance with the Naval Act of Upon launch, she slid down the ways only 27 feet 8.

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An attempt two days later resulted in only an additional 31 feet 9. After a month of rebuilding the ways, Constitution finally slipped into Boston Harbor on 21 October Is the US Constitution Still Able to, with Captain James Sever breaking a bottle of Madeira wine on her bowsprit. Constitution was rated as a gun frigate, but she often carried more than 50 guns at a time. The guns and cannons were designed to be completely portable and often were exchanged between ships as situations warranted. Each commanding officer outfitted armaments to his liking, taking into consideration factors such as the overall weight of stores, complement of personnel aboard, and planned routes to be sailed.

Consequently, the armaments on ships changed often during their careers, and records of the changes were not generally kept. Four Stjll guns were also positioned, two each at the stern and bow.]

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