Is it wrong to lie -

Is it wrong to lie Video

The Lie of the Polygraph

Is it wrong to lie - remarkable, very

Imagine the president of the United States telling everyone that if they spend all of their money until they go bankrupt, then the president will reimburse you, plus get an extra three million dollars. After everyone is totally bankrupt, they figure out that the president was lying and now there is an extremely slight chance that they will ever get their money back. Many people believe that lying is one of the worst things a person can do. They view it as something that hurts everyone and eventually destroys or consumes the person that lies. Others believe that lying can be the best way to handle a situation. First and foremost, lying effects you extremely. If you tell a huge, important lie, then the guilt will be riding on your shoulders like a one thousand pound weight. Is it wrong to lie.

According to Kant, lying is inherently morally wrong, thus it is never morally permissible.

Is Lying always morally wrong?

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Is it wrong to lie

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Is it wrong to lie

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