Impact Of Biodiversity On The Extinction Of -

Impact Of Biodiversity On The Extinction Of

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We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. By using our website you consent to all cookies in accordance with our updated Cookie Notice. A shark only just formally discovered might already be extinct - a fate no shark has yet suffered in the human era - while an Amazon river dolphin has become endangered, a Red List of species in trouble showed.

More than a quarter of theanimal, plant and fungi species assessed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN in its update are now threatened with extinction.

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The latest list has 31 new extinctions including several frogs and more than a dozen freshwater fish. Sharks have historically proven to be robust, surviving on the planet for hundreds of millions of years, even persisting through mass extinction events such as the asteroid strike believed to have wiped out most dinosaurs. The IUCN which works with thousands of scientists tends to be conservative on extinctions, since declaring them can spell an end to any remaining protection efforts.

Hazards include dams, pollution and gillnets - vast curtains of fishing nets that dangle in the current, it said.

Impact Of Biodiversity On The Extinction Of

It cited a disease caused by the frog chytrid fungus Extinctikn scientists link to climate change. The bison were decimated by hungry armies in World War One in current-day Poland and Belarus, and vanished from the wild in the aftermath before being reintroduced.

It is just a question of ramping up efforts.

Impact Of Biodiversity On The Extinction Of

Im;act Emma FargeCorrespondent, Reuters Geneva. This article was published in collaboration with Reuters. The views expressed in this article are those of the author alone and not the World Economic Forum. New research from Spain shows that naturally occurring balls of seagrass fibre are catching and removing up to million particles of plastic a year.]

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