House of Bernarda Alba Elements of House -

House of Bernarda Alba Elements of House - something

Literature analysis made easy. Build your students' confidence in their language abilities and help them develop the skills needed to critique their chosen work: putting it into context, understanding the themes and narrative technique, as well as specialist terminology. Breaking down each scene, character and theme in La casa de Bernarda Alba The House of Bernarda Alba , this accessible guide will enable your students to understand the historical and social context of the play and give them the critical and language skills needed to write a successful essay. Order this Item. Add to Wishlist. System by Circle. About Us. Contact Us. Search for books.

House of Bernarda Alba Elements of House Video

The House of Bernarda Alba - Act1 House of Bernarda Alba Elements of House House of Bernarda Alba Elements of House

How does Lorca use the house to convey his ideas? The play employs number of themes which are supported by the central image of house. The state of house such as colour, size, temperature, condition and props, which are nonverbal elements all link with the theme which Federico is trying to convey. These features will aid to provide the audience with information about the setting of the play and give insight to the underlying ideas such as dictatorship, purity, fate and choice, freedom, confinement, and sexual oppression.

House of Bernarda Alba Elements of House

Thick walls. Arched doorways with jute curtains trimmed with black beads and ruffles. Readers are able to obtain the associated idea from the play by having a general understanding of the setting. From the description, first, colour is the element to consider. The walls of the house are all painted white.

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Because the play is set in Spain, this is the Bernxrda of homes in the country, since white reflects the sunlight and prevents house from heating. All the daughters in the house have not married yet, and after the funeral of the second husband, they are not allowed to look at men.

The girls have no choice; they cannot choose their destiny. This colour is seen as contrary to the black dress of the women in the mourning as they enter the house.

The decoration, props and set of the room also aids in obtaining the idea of dictatorship and confinement. In the form of picture and being hung on the white wall emphasise that the fantasy is in place where it is out of reach for the girls. Through the symbolism of heat we see that Lorca makes the reader Houxe the tension heightening within the characters, which conveys the idea of sexual oppression. At the beginning of the play, Bernarda locks her daughters into the house, away from the outside world.

While it lasts not even the wind will get into this house. Bernarda, trying to be helpful, wants her daughters to be pure and House of Bernarda Alba Elements of House.

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But since the house is locked, no wind will come in the house and therefore heat will Bernarea up in the house. If the wind is symbolised as the men, the daughters who are not exposed to the wind men builds up their sexual desire. Characters who are not victim of this heat are the male characters that are shown outside the house.

House of Bernarda Alba Elements of House

They are cooler in the patio or in the fields, suggesting symbolically that they do not suffer from sexual frustration. The doors and windows serve as a both barriers and bridges.

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To the daughters, the outside represents freedom, new life, and sexual fulfilment. Throughout the play, the daughters number of times runs to the window and look at the outside world: the crowd leaving the funeral, men going to work in the fields, and arrival and departure of Pepe el Romano. Adela hesitates for a moment, then she, too, rushes off towards her room. To Bernarda, the outside of the house House of Bernarda Alba Elements of House threat to the reputation of her family name. She does not want her privacy to be spread in public, from her urge to protect her daughters.

Rot away! Never again will you lift up my skirts behind the off corral! Another example is when Pepe and Adela meet. They do not Huose at the house, but at the corral. The readers are able to obtain the various ideas Lorca is trying to inform, and we also get an idea of how some households were like in Spain during the civil war time. Women were treated unfairly in the society, such as their pay. Women could not make choices of their own including marriage.]

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