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A lesbian is a homosexual woman. The concept of "lesbian" to differentiate women with a shared sexual orientation evolved in the 20th century. Throughout history, women have not had the same freedom or independence as men to pursue homosexual relationships, but neither have they met the same harsh punishment as homosexual men in some societies. Instead, lesbian relationships have often been regarded as harmless, unless a participant attempts to assert privileges traditionally enjoyed by men. As a result, little in history was documented to give an accurate description of how female homosexuality was expressed. When early sexologists in the late 19th century began to categorize and describe homosexual behavior, hampered by a lack of knowledge about homosexuality or women's sexuality, they distinguished lesbians as women who did not adhere to female gender roles.

Female Stereotypes The Cause Of Women s - special case

. Female Stereotypes The Cause Of Women s Female Stereotypes The Cause Of Women s

Japanese culture has historically emphasized gender roles, and the position of women in Japanese society can be attributed to the vestiges of ancient philosophies like Confucianism and Samurai based feudalism.

Female Stereotypes The Cause Of Women s

These influences are still strong, however in spite of these influences, the public role of women has changed markedly since the beginning of World War Two. This long era of peace shaped Japanese gender expectations and continues to influence them even today. Japan was once a largely matriarchal society, as the influx of Confucian Wmen from China eroded the ability of women to hold power. Confucian ideas stressed hierarchy, male dominance, integrity, and righteousness.

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Hence, women became subservient under the influence of such philosophies. Such ideals formulated the values of Japan during the Tokugawa Era. Soon, Japan become divided among a distinct four tier class system: samurai, artisans, farmers and merchants. Each class had its own Womenn and levels of hierarchy, Female Stereotypes The Cause Of Women s is heavily evident amongst the Samurai and ruling Shogunate. And consequently, each class had its own gender expectations. However, the moga was often met with a pronounced concern, or even anxiety, given the threat that emancipated, pleasure seeking women were considered to pose to the moral, gender-based underpinnings of Https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/essay/writing-practice-test-online/why-do-you-think-about-the-feminist.php society. As such, the moga was defined, discussed, and criticized by society and intellectuals during its entire transitory, yet magnitudinous, existence in interwar Japanese society.

Write my paper. The beliefs and values of the period encouraged women to be obedient wives and fulfill their domestic and familial caretaking responsibilities. Such a value that Japanese women were expected to uphold was the driving reason for their restricted opportunities, as opposed to the men, who received a thorough and rightful education.

During this period, however, the wife or children of a samurai were the only females within this class to be granted an education, but even then it was very restricted; their teachings were not to be used in politics or government. If women were to Cauuse taught it was only to learn elemental literacy. Nevertheless, the majority of women within Tokugawa society fulfilled their household duty and nurtured their children until they were grown.

During the time of social upheaval, women were encouraged to be the moral foundation of the country of Japan. The CCause notion of the Confucian Family: father to son, https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/essay/calculus-on-manifolds-amazon/atm-booth-and-the-security-system.php to junior, husband to wife, was pushed by the government as it attempted Female Stereotypes The Cause Of Women s increase the birth rate so that Japan could compete on a more equal level with the countries of the West. This system gave women a responsibility in producing more children with their men to enable the birth of more boys to fight and protect their more info.

Female Stereotypes The Cause Of Women s

To the Japanese men this was an honorable task, but for some women it was a harsh sacrifice of the body and freedom as individuals. The Meiji Restoration proved to be a time for increased developments, and consequently the life Cuase the Japanese woman begin to drastically change. During early industrialization, women worked in factories under poor conditions, but click the end of the Meiji Era, these situations became less common.

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Female Stereotypes The Cause Of Women s during the Meiji Restoration Japanese women continued to exhibit a lack of power within Off or their families, they were now encouraged to be educated. Regardless, women were still under the influence of the man of the house and legally had no power. This is further emphasized under the Meiji Civil Code ofa state document that formalized the roles and responsibilities of men, women, and families in the new nation under construction during the Meiji Period.

This document gave the male head of the family absolute authority over family members. Men had the sole right to control family property, determine where each family member could live, approve or disapprove of marriages and divorce, and control inheritance. Barriers such as documents like the Meiji Civil Code slowed the feminist movement. This document is further expanded in the Meiji Constitution of and the Law of Election, which indicated that female citizens were denied the right to vote. Given the Femalle industrialization 5 and new social structures implemented under the Meiji Restoration, Japan experienced a great diversification of not only social and cultural identities, but of gender roles as well. The Taisho Erawedged between the nascent modernity of the Meiji Era and the militarist movement of the early Showamarked deep change and modernization in Japan.

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As with any rapid societal change, modernization of the Japanese nation and society was a complex process. Modernization included, but was not limited to, rapid industrial growth, new governmental and Caus structures, transformation of economic roles and societal structures, and the forging of a national identity. It was an era influenced by and similar to the Roaring Age of innovation and excitement of the s in the United States. The period saw a proliferation of social expression through magazines, movies, cafe and urban culture.

Female Stereotypes The Cause Of Women s

With the evolving era, the Japanese woman unquestionably changed with the times as well.]

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