Explain The Principles Of Regulation For Professional Video
The Basic Rules of Basketball - Basketball Explain The Principles Of Regulation For Professional.Expert Answer
Competency Nurses are confronted with ethical decisions every day, ranging from decisions about routine vaccination to issues of death and dying. It is important, therefore, that nurses know how to analyze a bioethical issue based on nursing ethical values, principles, and facts in order not only to make ethical decisions about their practice but also to help support patients and families as they struggle with ethical decisions. Matt, a year-old white male, was brought into the emergency department unconscious with a needle protruding from a vein in his left forearm. It was determined from his lab work that he had been taking Professionap, and a heroin overdose was suspected.

After Matt was intubated and placed on mechanical ventilation, he was stabilized and transferred to the intensive care unit. Currently, the physician does not want the patient to have any further resuscitation. EEG shows no brain activity.
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The nurse manager informs the nurse that she should do as the physician says. The nurse also dislikes caring for drug abuse patients. The patient did not have a DNR order on file.

If he had a DNR, there would have been an agency policy to follow it. The hospital also has an ethics committee. Analyze suggested length of 1—2 pages the bioethical issues found within the scenario.

Discuss how the ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, and non-maleficence relate to the given scenario. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.]
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