Essay On Beauty Pageants -

Essay On Beauty Pageants - you head

Some people think that beauty pageants are good for children but I personally do not think children should participate in beauty pageants because they create a pathway to eating disorders, low self-esteem, and can be more easily targeted by predators. Free essay samples Entertainment Child Beauty Pageants. Child Beauty Pageants. Popular Essays. A limited time offer! Save Time On Research and Writing. Get My Paper. Popular Topics employment celebrity jewellery of mice and men cricket nutrition leadership childhood adolescence human. Essay On Beauty Pageants.

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Essay On Beauty Pageants Video

Toddlers and Tiaras is a show, based on mothers living their dream lives through their children.

Comments Persuasive Essay On Child Beauty Pageants

The mothers dress their young girls as if they are grown models. My out look on the whole situation is that little 5 year old girls, should not be competing in beauty pagents. Fake teeth, tans, eye lashes, and hair make these children look as though they are in their teens. Children their ages should be happy and not Essay On Beauty Pageants what people think. Most children in their age groups are playing outside, not caring what their hair and makeup looks like. They are little girlsnot teenagers.

The parents of these little girls expect more from these children then they should. The outer beauty of these girls, seems more important than inner. Its one thing to apply some lip gloss and a few hot rollers. One of the arguments for pageants is that it promotes self confidence and that the children have fun doing it. As this may be true, the children are being taught at a very young age that it Essay On Beauty Pageants okay to dress, dance and act inappropriate to get attention. The only thing these pageants are teaching children is that wearing pounds of makeup, and looking like a Barbie doll, is okay.

As these see more grow, they will hold themselves above everyone, and will expect everyone to treat them as if they are perfect. Need this custom essay written urgently?

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