Democratic Deficit in the Eu -

Democratic Deficit in the Eu

Democratic Deficit in the Eu - necessary

Helpfully, however, von der Leyen does not have a popular mandate for her job and never will require one. Her record in German politics was patchy at best. It was rather as if Gavin Williamson had just been appointed Prime Minister without the public having a say. Some saw it as yet another case of von der Leyen being promoted merely to get her out of the way. Just as the time had come for evaluations, she had already climbed up to the next rung on her career ladder". As families minister, she was accused of promising federal-funded parental leave and day care for all children — while leaving the problem of how to cope with a massive expansion of day care facilities to her successor. Democratic Deficit in the Eu.

Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to systemically test the opposition deficit thesis, and to add to the current lack of research on the topic.

Democratic Deficit in the Eu

Therefore, I ask: is the European Parliament an arena for effective opposition? To test the opposition deficit systematically and empirically, data from 20 plenary debates between the years in the European Parliament were gathered. Through simple statistical analysis, we conclude that most statements are oppositional 55 percent and that there is no oppositional here.

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While most opposition is effective and thus has real effect in the policy-making process, the definition and operationalisation provided within the opposition deficit thesis must be refuted due to theoretical inconsistencies. Also, we find that there is no significant relationship between Democratic Deficit in the Eu and political opposition, contrary to past assumptions.

Therefore, it is concluded that there is no oppositional deficit in the European Parliament, and possibly no such deficit in the European Union. So, while the European Union it is suffering a legitimacy crisis which may be caused by a democracy deficit, it is not correlated to political opposition as described by the opposition deficit thesis. Please wait English Svenska Norsk. Cite Export. Permanent link. Citation style. More styles. More languages. Output format. Create Close. An arena for effective opposition?

The EU and the EEA

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Democratic Deficit in the Eu

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