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Decisions Of Philadelphi The Constitutional Convention Of Decisions Of Philadelphi The Constitutional Convention Of

It was signed on September source,by delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. At the convention, delegates devised a plan for a stronger federal government with three branches—executive, legislative and judicial—along with a system of checks and balances to ensure no single branch would have too much power. The Bill of Rights were 10 amendments guaranteeing basic individual protections, such as freedom of speech and religion, that became part of the Constitution in To date, there are 27 constitutional amendments.

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The national government was comprised of a single legislature, the Congress of the Confederation; there was no president or judicial branch. The Articles of Confederation gave Congress the power to govern foreign affairs, conduct war and regulate currency; however, in reality these powers were sharply limited because Congress had no authority to enforce its requests to the states for money or troops.

Soon after America its independence from Great Britain with its victory in the American Revolutionit became increasingly evident that the young republic needed a stronger central government in order to remain stable. InAlexander Hamiltona lawyer and politician from New Yorkcalled for a constitutional convention to discuss the matter. The Confederation Congress, which in February endorsed the idea, invited Consyitutional 13 states to send delegates to a meeting in Philadelphia.

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On May 25,the Constitutional Convention opened in Philadelphia at the Pennsylvania State House, now known as Independence Hall, where the Declaration of Independence had been adopted 11 years earlier. There were 55 delegates in attendance, representing all 13 states except Rhode Islandwhich refused to send representatives because it did not want a powerful central government interfering in its economic business. Many had served in the Continental Army, colonial legislatures or the Continental Congress known as the Congress of the Confederation as of In terms of religious affiliation, most were Protestants.

Eight delegates were signers of the Declaration of Independence, while six had signed the Articles of Confederation. Political leaders not in attendance at the convention included Thomas Jefferson and John Adamswho were serving as U. John JaySamuel Adams and John Hancock were also absent from the convention. Reporters and other visitors were barred from the convention sessions, which were held in secret to avoid Decisions Of Philadelphi The Constitutional Convention Of pressures. The delegates had been tasked by Congress with amending the Articles of Confederation; however, they soon began deliberating proposals for an entirely new form of government.

Article. I.

After intensive debate, which continued throughout the summer of and at times threatened to derail the proceedings, they developed a plan that established three branches of national government—executive, legislative and judicial. A system of checks and balances was put into place so that no single branch would have too much authority. The specific powers Philaxelphi responsibilities of each branch were also laid out.

Decisions Of Philadelphi The Constitutional Convention Of

Among the more contentious issues was the question of state representation in the national legislature. Delegates from larger states wanted population to determine how many representatives a state could send to Congress, while small states called for equal representation. The issue was resolved by the Connecticut Compromise, which proposed a bicameral legislature with Deicsions representation of the states in the lower house House of Representatives and equal representation in the upper house Senate. Another controversial topic was slavery.

Decisions Of Philadelphi The Constitutional Convention Of

Philladelphi the purposes of taxation and determining how many representatives a state could send to Congress, it was decided that enslaved people would be counted as three-fifths of a person. On September 17, George Washington was the first to sign the document. Of the 55 delegates, a total of 39 signed; some had already left Philadelphia, and three—George Mason and Edmund Randolph of Virginiaand Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts—refused to approve the document. In order for the Constitution to become law, it then had to be ratified by nine of the 13 states.]

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