Canada s Biggest Concern -

Canada s Biggest Concern - consider

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The board is scheduled to meet again tomorrow to finalize its plan, and it will have here be approved by the Ministry of Education.

So really it comes down to, 'What are the resources we have and how far do they go? Teachers who chose not to return to in-person classes for medical reasons will also be asked to be redeployed to the virtual school. With elementary Canada s Biggest Concern in class full time under the provincial government's back-to-school guidelines, it is impossible for them to then provide multiple hours of online instruction to students who have chosen remote learning, the board said.


Anna Penner, a parent of three young children who lives in the Woodbine-Danforth neighbourhood of Toronto, said a centralized school only serves to make the option of remote learning even less appealing for her family. Penner said her eldest child, who is six-and-a-half years old, already struggled with online classes when Ontario shut public schools in mid-March as the COVID outbreak in the province ramped up.

Let me just say, it did not go well. Swartz Concren that while she appreciates the board is in an unprecedented position, she's found its communication with families throughout the last several weeks to be this web page "absolute mess.

To make a choice between in-person or remote learning, given the information that is publicly availably right now, is next to impossible, she said. The board has indicated it intends to resurvey parents about the decision in the coming days, after one of three potential back-to-school plans presented at Tuesday's meeting has been finalized and approved Canada s Biggest Concern the Ministry of Education.

In a memo to school boards this week, the ministry approved the option for a staggered return to class for students over a maximum two-week period. Pseudonyms will no longer be Concsrn. By submitting a comment, you accept that CBC has the right to reproduce and publish that comment in whole or in part, in any manner Canada s Biggest Concern chooses.

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Please note that CBC does not endorse the opinions expressed in comments. Comments on this story are moderated according to our Submission Guidelines. Comments are welcome while open. We reserve the right source close comments at any time. Social Sharing. Supply teachers say bouncing between Canwda amid COVID pandemic could put staff, students at risk TDSB peppered with questions as anxieties mount over whether schools can safely re-open.]

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