Being A Teacher Involves Much More Than Video
What makes a good teacher great? - Azul Terronez - TEDxSantoDomingo Being A Teacher Involves Much More Than.![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Being A Teacher Involves Much More Than](
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Share and discuss educational techologies that can support and teaching and learning. Do you find that male secondary teachers get more respect from male students, parents and admin? As a male high school teacher I can attest to this.
I get more respect from students and parents simply for being a guy.

Others in my department feel the same. Whatever that means.
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Know a guy who got a job nearby right out of ed school rare here and was principal about three years later. Yeah, I know lots of cis males with very short TTeacher spent in the classroom fast tracked to admin just for being male. Yep, men tend to put more importance on income. Where's the higher income in education? Admin or teacher? When I think back on my favorite teachers, none of them were men.

Male elementary teacher here; in my first year after three years teaching in MS. Man, I felt the opposite. It seems like all the male students want to be all macho at me because Involvds a guy. But they won't mess with their mamas, and by extension female teachers.
Well, unrelated but related, I had a boy Kindergarten student that was a handful. I met with parents to talk about his behavior was like, what strategies I was implementing in the classroom, and how they could support at home. Dad straight up told me nothing would work because his son didnt respect women in an authority position so maybe I should go grab a male teacher when he was misbehaving. I was so shocked that I somehow remained calm and told him that we needed Involvea prepare him to work for and with ALL genders.
Dad said I could try it, but he didnt see it happening because thats not what they believe in their house.

I knew then that the parents would be no help, so I implemented what I wanted and the kid was actually amazing by the end of the Involvs. It made me sad though because who knows if it lasted with that sort of a male role model around. Honestly just threw up a little in my mouth.]
Very good question
I think, what is it — a serious error.