Autoimmune Disease By Vitamin D D Case -

Autoimmune Disease By Vitamin D D Case

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However, whether vit-D supplementation is linked to reduction of thyroid autoantibodies and improvement of thyroid function is not well characterized. The present study was planned to evaluate the effect of vit-D supplementation on possible improvement of thyroid autoantibody titer and thyroid hormone profile in patients with AITD subjects. Methods: Twenty-three patients of HT were given weekly supplementation of 60, IU vit-D for 8 weeks followed by once a month for another 4 months. After 6 months of vit-D supplementation, thyroid autoantibody titer TPO antibody and thyroid hormone profile was rechecked. Results: Mean serum vit-D was increased significantly from There was significant increase in thyroid autoantibody titre from Keywords: Anti thyroid peroxidase antibody; Hashimoto's thyroiditis; Vitamin-D; thyroid autoimmunity. Autoimmune Disease By Vitamin D D Case.

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This vitamin is created when the system is in contact with UV rays via the sun, which means that almost half of the population is deficient in winter. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

Autoimmune Disease By Vitamin D D Case

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Autoimmune Disease By Vitamin D D Case

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