Analysis Of Christopher Nolan s The Dark -

Analysis Of Christopher Nolan s The Dark

Analysis Of Christopher Nolan s The Dark - sorry

His attention to detail and scientific approach to filmmaking made the series of films unique from any before or after it, and still amazes viewers today. However, despite the myriad ways in which Nolan made the Dark Knight franchise special, he still struggled to figure out how to market it to potential viewers. He understood that many Batman fans had a bad taste in their mouths from the previous film adaptations, and he knew he needed to show them that his take on it would be different. Thankfully, he managed to work with the Warner Brothers creative marketing team to develop a marketing strategy that attracted fans to theaters in droves. Nolan shared his thoughts on the creative marketing process during an interview on the Warner Brothers Youtube page. The extensive work that Nolan put into creating an immersive world on screen made it easier for the team to sell the movie. The first big test came when the marketing team went to work developing the first Batman Begins trailer. Nolan also noted that the template he used for Batman Begins has played a big role in the development of several other superhero films. Source: Read Full Article. Analysis Of Christopher Nolan s The Dark

The ‘Batman Begins’ trailer showed people how unique the franchise was going to be

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Analysis Of Christopher Nolan s The Dark

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