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An Interest in African Studies and International An Interest in African Studies and International.

An Interest in African Studies and International - pity, that

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Studies on African foreign policies, and the process involved with their formation, have received much less attention An Interest in African Studies and International to other aspects of African studies. Most have been in-depth case studies illustrating how foreign policy decisions are centered on common concerns for the region, such as decolonization, nation building, economic and political autonomy, and Cold War competition.

As such, most diplomacy is conducted Afrjcan close neighbors, former colonial powers, or the super powers. Much is also conducted within intergovernmental organizations IGOs. Most analyses indicate that foreign policy has been in the hands of a president, who has conducted it primarily as a means of consolidating or maintaining domestic rule.

African foreign policies also tend to reflect the reality that most are small and weak states. A strand of empirical comparative foreign policy literature on Africa does exist, examining things such as UN voting or level of diplomatic activity. Finally, much literature on African foreign policies is embedded in African international relations and focuses on the choices of leaders within larger historic, material, ideological, and international contexts. Most scholars, but not all, eschew an analysis using a single paradigm: eclectic, historical approaches seem to be more common than either cross-national empirical studies or paradigmatically pristine approaches.

With this in mind, African foreign policies must respond to, and evolve Internaional, changing international and regional contexts, especially any with significant shifts in geopolitical power. Compared to other aspects of African studies, link less has been written directly on African foreign policy formation or the comparative foreign policy of Africa Wright, ap.

Excluding studies written primarily from the perspective of ajd and powerful international actors, most studies of African foreign policies have been deep case studies illustrating how these decisions were limited, shaped, and constrained by international, regional, and domestic economic, political, and military factors, but often within the frame of the ideology or political self-interests An Interest in African Studies and International the leader.

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Most single case studies include an analysis An Interest in African Studies and International both regional and international contexts. Early common problems associated the region that have informed foreign policy objectives have included nation building, stability, poverty, decolonization, Cold War competition, and the dominance of the great powers Thiam, Nearly all African countries have also suffered from weak and porous borders, often involving issues of cross-border rebels and refugees. These commonalities have helped create the conditions for African leaders to seek regional collective action.

Another clear motif in African foreign relations is collective responsibility for economic development. In fact, the Lagos Plan of Action called for a continent-wide common market Lancaster, RECs were envisioned to be the building blocks of a larger African market Babarinde, ; Bach, ; Lancaster, However, such goals are often viewed more as rhetoric than reality. Africa has many regional organizations and low intraregional trade Bach, ; Khadiagala, ; Lancaster, Although RECs were created primarily for economic integration, some play important roles in regional peace keeping. In fact, the increasing political and economic liberalizations witnessed with the end of the Cold War e.

An Interest in African Studies and International

However, intermixed with this overarching foreign policy goal, the issues of interfacing with the global economy, adapting to changes in liberalization in the economic and domestic spheres, and providing regional security remain key regional concerns Wright, a. Nonetheless, some variance in regional foreign policy outcomes and procedures may increase in the new period. Schrader suggests that the end of the Cold War and the rise of democracy, however partial, along with increased great power competition, should have significant impacts on African foreign policies also, Wright, a. First, some countries, such as Senegal, have Internationsl able to decrease their dependence upon the former colonizing countries. Second, societies could become less dependent upon external sources of support and more reliant upon domestic ones, including their military.

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Third, legislatures do have the possibility of standing against the foreign policy wishes of the president. In Benin, the legislature refused to rubber stamp a presidential preference Schrader,p.

An Interest in African Studies and International

Intenrational, public opinion may come to matter more as civil society becomes stronger. Finally, given the poor level of governance in some countries facing failing and collapsing governments, some scholars have begun calling for the reconsideration of the norm of sovereignty Deng, ; Deng et. Moreover, China has recently become a more important actor, shaping African foreign policy opportunities and constraints. Its rise has led to significant discussions of how foreign policies of African countries may have changed Alden et al.

In fact, according to Englebert and Dunnthe engagement of China with so many African countries is the most An Interest in African Studies and International post-Cold War change in African foreign relations. Strong ties between China and more authoritarian regimes could be beneficial for China, with increased access to markets and possible support in IGOs, aand as the UN Sun, The most frequent regional diplomatic endeavors have been in the domains of economic integration and conflict resolution.

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Thus, collective security and a move to supranational duties have been emerging through the AU and the OAU before it. These new venues for multilateral African diplomacy aimed at conflict resolution have furthered institutionalized this behavior. Given African challenges with development, it is not surprising that African states have significant and prolonged interactions with, and dependence upon, international and multilateral IGOs, such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund IMFand other international financial institutions IFIs.]

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