A Successful A Strong Strategic Plan Video
5 Ways to Create a Strategic Life PlanA Successful A Strong Strategic Plan - was and
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SMART is a mnemonic acronymgiving criteria to guide in the setting of objectives, for example in project managementemployee- performance management and personal development. The letters Sttong and M generally mean specific and measurable. Possibly the most common version has the remaining letters referring to achievable or attainablerelevantand time-bound. However, the term's inventor had a slightly different version and the letters have meant different things to different authors, as described below. Additional letters have been added by some authors.
Often the term S. Goals and S. Objectives will surface. Goals are the distinct purpose that is to be anticipated from the assignment or project.

Doran called There's a S. Notice that these criteria don't say that all objectives must be quantified on all levels of management. In certain situations, it is not realistic to attempt tSrong, particularly in staff middle-management positions. Practicing managers and corporations can lose the benefit of a more abstract objective to gain quantification. It is the combination of the objective and its action plan that is really important. Therefore serious management should focus on these twins and not just the objective.
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There is some variation in usage, but typically accepted criteria are as follows:. Choosing certain combinations of these labels can cause duplication, such as selecting 'attainable' and 'realistic'. They can also cause significant overlapping as in combining 'appropriate' and 'relevant'. The term 'agreed' is often used in management situations where buy-in from stakeholders is desirable e. Some authors have added additional letters giving additional criteria.
Examples are given below. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Mnemonic, giving criteria to guide in the setting of objectives.

This article is about setting objectives. For other meanings, see Smart. Doran, There's a S. Management Review.]
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