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A Rose For Emily Modernism

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A Rose For Emily Modernism

Faulkner oRse novels, short stories, screenplays, poetry, essays, and a play. He is primarily known for his novels and short stories set in the fictional Yoknapatawpha Countybased on Lafayette County, Mississippiwhere he spent most of his life. Faulkner is one of the most celebrated writers in American literature generally and Southern literature specifically. Though his work was published as early as and largely during the s and s, Faulkner's renown reached its peak upon the publication of Malcolm Cowley's The Portable Click and his Nobel Prize in Literaturemaking him the only Mississippi-born Nobel laureate.

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Absalom, Absalom! Following the sale of the railroad business, Murry proposed a plan to get a new start for his family by moving to Texas and becoming Emilu rancher. Maud disagreed with this proposition, however, and they moved instead to Oxford, Mississippiwhere Murry's father owned several businesses, making A Rose For Emily Modernism easy for Murry to find work. His family, particularly his mother Maud, his maternal grandmother Lelia Butler, and Caroline "Callie" Barr the African American nanny who raised him from infancy crucially influenced the development of Faulkner's artistic imagination.

Both his mother and grandmother were avid readers as link as painters and photographers, educating him in visual language.

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While Murry enjoyed the outdoors and encouraged his sons to hunt, track, and fish, Maud valued education and took pleasure in reading and going to church. She taught her sons to read before sending them to public school and exposed them to classics such as Charles Dickens and Moedrnism Fairy Tales.

A Rose For Emily Modernism

Faulkner's lifelong education by Callie Barr is central to his novels' preoccupations with the politics of sexuality and race. As a schoolchild, Faulkner had success early on. He excelled in the first grade, skipped the second, and did well through the third and fourth grades. However, beginning somewhere in the fourth and fifth grades of his schooling, Faulkner became article source A Rose For Emily Modernism quieter and more withdrawn child.

He began to play hooky occasionally and became somewhat indifferent to his schoolwork, instead taking interest in studying the history of Mississippi on his own time beginning in the seventh grade. The decline of his performance in school continued, and Faulkner wound up repeating the eleventh and twelfth grade, never graduating from high school.

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Faulkner spent his boyhood listening to stories told to him by his elders including those of the Civil Warslavery, the Ku Klux Klanand the Falkner family. Faulkner's grandfather would also tell him of the exploits of William's great-grandfather and namesake, William Clark Falknerwho was a successful businessman, writer, and Confederate hero. Telling stories about "Old Colonel", as his click here called him, had already become something of a family pastime when Faulkner was a boy. When he was 17, Faulkner met Phil Stonewho became an important early influence on his writing. Stone was four years his senior and came from one of Oxford's older families; he was passionate about literature and had already earned A Rose For Emily Modernism degrees from Yale and the University of Mississippi.

Faulkner also attended the latter, joined the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, and pursued his dream to become a writer. Stone read and was impressed by some of Faulkner's early poetry, becoming one of the first to recognize and encourage Faulkner's talent.

A Rose For Emily Modernism

Stone mentored the young Faulkner, introducing him to the works of writers such as James Joycewho influenced Faulkner's own writing. In his early 20s, Faulkner gave poems and short stories he had written to Stone in hopes of their being published.]

A Rose For Emily Modernism

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