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Women in Religion

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Posted in christian living , Acceptance of Others , Lifestyles , Acceptance , The church , Love of God , tagged abortion , acceptance , adoption , christian living , Christianity , planned parenthood , Roe v Wade , women's rights on February 3, There has been a lot of talk about abortion over the years since when Roe v Wade was approved. It is a very controversial subject and there are many proponents on both sides of the issue. Now that there is a conservative leaning Supreme Court, there is talk about this decision being overturned. Not sure if or when, but I personally believe many of us are missing an important part of making abortion illegal. That is beyond the point I want to make. The issue as I see it, if this decision from is overturned and abortion becomes illegal, there will be several things people should be ready to do to help provide choices and financial assistance to those who are making decisions on what is best for them to do. Women in Religion

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What Islam really says about women - Alaa Murabit

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This is the first of five essays — the next installment will be published Jan. Join us Friday, Feb. Central time, 3 p. Colleen Gibson " focusing on highlights of this series. Click here to register.

Women in Religion

It has not been published. If nearly two-thirds of parish groupings are managed by women religious there, why not install women as lectors and acolytes, and share the synod's support of women deacons with the commission? Again, Francis agreed, saying he would recall the commission, perhaps adding two or three new members.

Women in Religion second commission has not met, but is expected to begin its work sometime in It will be the fourth or fifth iteration of commission study of the same topic since the early s.

Women in Religion

None recommended against women deacons. While there is no guarantee that Francis will change canon law to allow women to be restored to this ordained ministry, this series of essays seeks to examine the questions most often raised by women religious about the possibility of women religious being ordained as deacons or of women deacons Rellgion religious institutes and orders.

Women in Religion

While discussion about women in the diaconate has historically been truncated, even squashed within the Vatican, the request of UISG and the recommendation of the Amazon synod together evidence the genuine need for diaconal ministry by women ordained to such service. The point is not to allow women religious and other women merely to take on more functions.]

One thought on “Women in Religion

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