Why Was the Constitution a Controversial Document Video
What Kind of Document is the Constitution? [No. 86] Why Was the Constitution a Controversial DocumentCivil liberties are guarantees and freedoms that liberal governments commit not to abridge, either by legislation or judicial interpretationwithout due process. Though the scope of the term differs between countries, civil liberties may include the freedom of consciencefreedom of pressfreedom of religionfreedom of expressionfreedom of assemblythe right to security and libertyfreedom of speechthe right to herethe right to equal treatment under the law and due processthe right to a fair trialand the right to life. Other civil liberties include the right to own propertythe right to defend oneselfand the Consritution to bodily integrity.
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Many contemporary nations have a constitutiona bill of rightsor similar constitutional documents that enumerate and seek to guarantee civil liberties. Other nations have enacted link laws through a variety of legal means, including signing and ratifying or Contdoversial giving effect to key conventions such as the European Convention on Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The existence of some claimed civil liberties is a matter of dispute, as are the extent of most civil rights.

Controversial examples include property rightsreproductive rightsand civil marriage. In authoritarian regimes in which government censorship impedes on perceived civil liberties, some civil liberty advocates argue for here use of anonymity tools to allow for free speech, privacy, and anonymity. Another matter of debate is the suspension or alteration of certain civil Cnostitution in times of war or state of emergencyincluding whether and to what extent this should occur.

The formal concept of civil liberties is often dated back to Magna Cartaan English legal charter agreed in which in turn was based on pre-existing documents, namely the Charter of Liberties. Taiwan, which is separated from China, has its own Constitution.
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The Fundamental Rights—embodied in Part III of the constitution—guarantee liberties such that all Indians can lead their lives in peace as citizens of India. The six fundamental rights are right to equality, right to freedom, right against exploitation, right to freedom of religion, cultural Circumplex Essay educational rights and right to constitutional remedies.
These include individual rights common to most liberal democraciesincorporated in the fundamental law of the land and are enforceable in a court of law. Violations of these rights result in punishments as prescribed in the Indian Penal Codesubject to discretion of the judiciary.
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These rights are neither absolute nor immune from constitutional amendments. They have been aimed at overturning the inequalities of pre-independence social practices.

Specifically, they resulted in abolishment of un-touchability and prohibit discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth. They forbid human trafficking and unfree labour. They protect cultural and educational rights of ethnic and religious minorities by allowing them to preserve their languages and administer their own educational institutions.]
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