The Wrongs Of Woman By Mary Wollstonecraft -

The Wrongs Of Woman By Mary Wollstonecraft

The Anglo-Irish feminist, Mary Wollstonecraft was considered one of the most significant female thinkers Wollstoncraft writers or her time. She had a troubled personal life and her book, A Vindication of the Rights of Womanpublished inwas one of the earliest expositions of the equality of men and women. Mary Wollstonecraft was born on April 27,in Spitalfields, London. Her father, Edward John, inherited a great deal of money from his father, which he mismanaged and finally lost. He drank heavily and apparently had verbally abusive tendencies towards his kids.

Early Life

At the age of 19, Mary took a job that was available to middle-class women, which was being a companion to elderly women. She lived in Bath with Mrs. Dawson for a short time and then returned back home because of her dying mother.

The Wrongs Of Woman By Mary Wollstonecraft

Mary, Eliza, Fanny and her sister, Everina, supported themselves financially by starting a school in Newington Green. Fanny got married and soon after that, she got pregnant.

The Wrongs Of Woman By Mary Wollstonecraft

She called Mary to be with her and help. Soon after, however, Fanny and her baby died following a premature birth. The financial condition of the school was not very good, so Mary focused on writing her first book, Thoughts on the Education of Daughters.

The advance received from the publisher somewhat ameliorated the situation. Then she took the job as a governess in an Irish family and her employer was Viscount Kingsborough.

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Later, Lady Kingsborough fired her for becoming too close to her charges. Wollstonecraft then returned to England in and continued writing.

The Wrongs Of Woman By Mary Wollstonecraft

After dismissal from the job, Mary was given work and a place to stay by Joseph Johnson, her publisher. Inshe witnessed the French Revolution and developed a fantastic way of thinking. A Vindication to the Rights of Woman was published in and it became a controversial bestseller and gained a lot of popularity among feminists Wollstonecraaft the suffrage campaigners as the 18th century was drawing to a close.]

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