The Six Dimensions Of Wellness -

The Six Dimensions Of Wellness

The Six Dimensions Of Wellness - sorry, that

The purpose of the wellness model is to show that wellness is multi-dimensional. It is used as a tool to assess the different areas in your life that impact your overall well-being. Wellness is a journey, with many different paths. There are many different wellness models used in the health promotion field. Elon created their own model, but by looking at the tab for each individual dimension, you can find additional resources from the model supported by the National Wellness Institute. The Six Dimensions Of Wellness. The Six Dimensions Of Wellness

It is a complex interaction that leads to quality of life. Each dimension contributes to our own sense of wellness or quality of life, and each affects and overlaps the others.

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At times one may be more prominent than others, but neglect of any one dimension for any length of time has adverse effects on overall health. Spiritual wellness involves possessing a set of guiding beliefs, principles, or Ths that help give direction to one's life. It is to question everything and to appreciate the things which cannot be readily explained or understood. Suggestions for optimal spiritual wellness:.

Explore your spiritual core. Be inquisitive and curious. Be fully present in everything you do.

The Six Dimensions Of Wellness

Listen with your heart and live by your principles. Allow yourself and those around you the freedom to be who they are.

The Six Dimensions Of Wellness

See opportunities for growth in the challenges life brings you. Emotional wellness is a dynamic state that fluctuates frequently with your other six dimensions of wellness.

It means having the ability to love and be loved and achieving a sense of fulfillment in life. Tips for optimal emotional wellness:. Tune-in to your thoughts and feelings. Cultivate an optimistic attitude. Seek and provide support. Learn time management skills. Practice stress management techniques.

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Accept and forgive yourself. The development of occupational satisfaction and wellness is related to your attitude about your work. Occupational wellness means successfully integrating a commitment to your occupation into a total lifestyle that is satisfying and rewarding.]

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