The Right Action For Bowe Burgdahl - all not
It was a forceful statement. But if the White House is hoping it will calm the controversy in Washington over the prisoner exchange, it will surely be disappointed. Question marks also hang over the negotiations that led to his release; the extent, if any, to which the White House violated its obligation to keep Congress informed about a possible release of prisoners from Guantanamo; and the role, if any, that political considerations played in the timing of the deal. It did seem rather convenient that Bergdahl was released at the end of a week in which President Obama had made a surprise Memorial Day visit to Afghanistan and announced the withdrawal of all American troops from the country by the end of The immediate focus, however, is on Bergdahl, whose reputation has been so battered that his hometown of Hailey, Idaho, has cancelled a homecoming celebration, citing security concerns. The Right Action For Bowe BurgdahlThe Right Action For Bowe Burgdahl Video
Unraveling the Mystery of Bowe Bergdahl
For many years, the Bergdahl case was the subject of anguished speculation. Few people, if any, understood how or why it was that the American soldier ended up spending five years a captive of the feared Haqqanis, a network affiliated with the Taliban. University of California at Berkeley Law Professor John Yoo on the Army Sergeant's forthcoming court-martial on charges of desertion and endangerment of fellow soldiers. Photo credit: Associated Press. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.
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