The Positive Impact Of Industrialization On The -

The Positive Impact Of Industrialization On The Video

Positive effects of Industrialization

The Positive Impact Of Industrialization On The - really

Answers 1. Lane Porter 19 January, 0. Answer: Industrialization improved economies and world trade. There were more opportunities for growth. Since factories became more common at this time, there was a mass production of goods, and a decrease in prices. But, this also meant more pollution. It also meant unemployment for people who were doing the work of the machines. Lastly, it caused over-population due to immigrants being attracted to opportunities. The Positive Impact Of Industrialization On The.

The Positive Impact Of Industrialization On The - opinion

The Industrial Revolution was a change in the midth century from small scale, domestic production of goods to machine-based, mass production of goods. It is usually thought of as having mostly or only positive impacts on Europe. Although the revolution did have many positive impacts, it had its fair share of negative impacts as well. Some of the positive outcomes included the overall increase in production and value of goods, improved efficiency of how these goods were made, and the development of new power sources. The Industrial Revolution also caused a great increase in population and urbanization. This increase resulted in several negative impacts. Some included unsafe working and living conditions, child labor, and lack of many public services. Clearly, the Industrial Revolution had a huge impact on European society with both positive and negative effects. The Industrial Revolution had many positive effects.

India is a predominantly agricultural country. The well-being of Indian economy is directly connected with the welfare of her masses dwelling in the rural areas. With the scientific and industrial development, we had to adopt a Impach industrial policy. The introduction of heavy industries have both positive and negative impact on Indian society and economy.

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The vigorous economic Plans enshrined the industrial schemes and projects. Private sector in now encouraged to invest into heavy industries. It sought to establish in the country a belt of heavy industries, like the gigantic steel plants at Durgapur, Rourkela and Bhilai. Low cost of production: The introduction of industries have led to the decrease in the cost click production of many essential items. The decrease in cost is the result of economy of Large scale production. It allows to save time and labour.

Industrial goods have become more affordable for common people.

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Self-sufficient: Before independence, we used to spend hundreds of millions of rupees over import of cloth only, as we had no heavy industries in the real sense of the term. With the advancement of textile industry in our country, we are able to manufacture clothes at a much lower cost.

In this way, we made ourselves self-sufficient in providing our basic OOf. Employment: Large industries need thousands of skilled and semi-skilled workers.

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It provides massive employment opportunity for a large chunk of people. Improved Agriculture: In the modern age efficient agricultural system is that, which is done with the help of machine and mechanical devices. For this purpose, we have to adopt the latest Industrial system.]

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