The Narrative Voice in the Lovely Bones -

The Narrative Voice in the Lovely Bones The Narrative Voice in the Lovely Bones

In the sweet, untroubled voice of a precocious teenage girl, Susie relates the awful events of her death and her own adjustment to the strange new place where she finds herself.

The Narrative Voice in the Lovely Bones

It looks a lot like her school playground, with the good kind of swing sets. With love, longing, and a growing understanding, Susie watches her family as they cope with their grief: her father embarks on a search for the killer, her sister undertakes a feat of amazing daring, her little brother builds a fort in her honor, and they begin the difficult process of healing.

This story of seemingly unbearable tragedy is transformed into a suspenseful and touching narrative about family, memory, love, heaven, and living.

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The Narrative Voice in the Lovely Bones

Add to Cart. When we first meet year-old Susie Salmon, she is already in heaven. This was before milk carton photos and public-service announcements, she tells us; back inwhen Susie mysteriously disappeared, people still believed things like that didn't happen. Used Very good condition.]

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