The Man Who Down The Dirt -

The Man Who Down The Dirt

The Man Who Down The Dirt - sorry, not

The Watergate scandal was a political scandal in the United States involving the administration of U. President Richard Nixon from to that led to Nixon's resignation. The scandal stemmed from the Nixon administration's continuous attempts to cover up its involvement in the June 17, break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Washington, D. Watergate Office Building. After the five perpetrators were arrested, the press and the U. Justice Department connected the cash found on them at the time to the Nixon re-election campaign committee. House of Representatives to grant its judiciary committee additional investigation authority to probe into "certain matters within its jurisdiction", [3] [4] and the U. Senate to create a special investigative committee. The resulting Senate Watergate hearings were broadcast "gavel-to-gavel" nationwide by PBS and aroused public interest. Several major revelations and egregious presidential action against the investigation later in prompted the House to commence an impeachment process against Nixon. The Man Who Down The Dirt

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