The Life Of Frederick Douglass And The -

The Life Of Frederick Douglass And The - hope

After escaping from slavery in Maryland , he became a national leader of the abolitionist movement in Massachusetts and New York , becoming famous for his oratory [5] and incisive antislavery writings. Accordingly, he was described by abolitionists in his time as a living counter-example to slaveholders' arguments that slaves lacked the intellectual capacity to function as independent American citizens. Douglass wrote several autobiographies , notably describing his experiences as a slave in his Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave , which became a bestseller, and was influential in promoting the cause of abolition, as was his second book, My Bondage and My Freedom Following the Civil War , Douglass remained an active campaigner against slavery and wrote his last autobiography, Life and Times of Frederick Douglass. First published in and revised in , three years before his death, the book covers events both during and after the Civil War. Douglass also actively supported women's suffrage , and held several public offices. Douglass was a firm believer in the equality of all peoples, be they white , black , female , Native American , or Chinese immigrants. The Life Of Frederick Douglass And The.

The Life Of Frederick Douglass And The Video

The Life of Frederick Douglass‎

Abolitionist leader Frederick Douglass was born into slavery sometime around in Talbot County, Maryland. As was often the case with slaves, the exact year and date of Douglass' birth are unknown, though later in life he chose to celebrate it on February Douglass initially lived with his maternal grandmother, Betty Bailey. At a young age, Douglass was selected to live in the home of the plantation owners, one Lice whom may have been his father.

Who Was Frederick Douglass?

When Auld forbade his wife to offer more lessons, Douglass continued to learn from white children and others in the neighborhood. He read newspapers avidly and sought out political writing and literature as Fredfrick as possible. In later years, Douglass credited The Columbian Orator with clarifying and defining his views on human rights.

Douglass shared his newfound knowledge with other enslaved people. Hired out to William Freeland, he taught other slaves on the plantation to read the New Testament at a weekly church service. Interest was so great that in any week, more than 40 slaves would attend lessons.

Although Freeland did not interfere with the lessons, other local slave owners were less understanding. Armed with clubs and stones, they dispersed the congregation permanently.

Quick Facts

With Douglass moving between the Aulds, he was later made to work for Edward Covey, who had a reputation as a "slave-breaker. Eventually, however, Douglass fought back, in a scene rendered powerfully in his Douglsss autobiography. After losing a physical confrontation with Douglass, Covey never beat him again. Douglass tried to escape from slavery twice before he finally succeeded. Douglass married Anna Murray, a free Black woman, on September 15, Douglass had fallen in love with Murray, who assisted him in his final attempt to escape slavery in Baltimore. Murray had provided him with some of her savings and a sailor's uniform. He carried identification papers obtained from a free Black seaman. Douglass made his way to the safe house of abolitionist David Ruggles in New York The Life Of Frederick Douglass And The less than 24 hours.

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Anna and Frederick then settled in New Bedford, Massachusetts, which had a thriving free Black community. There they adopted Douglass as their married name. Charles and Rosetta assisted their father in the production of his newspaper The North Star. Anna remained a loyal supporter of Douglass' public work, despite marital strife caused by his relationships with several other women. Pitts was the daughter of Gideon Pitts Jr. Their marriage caused considerable controversy, since Pitts was white and nearly 20 years younger than Douglass.

Nonetheless, Douglass and Pitts remained married until his death 11 years later.

After settling as a free man with his wife Anna in New Bedford inDouglass was eventually asked to tell his story at abolitionist meetings, and he became a regular anti-slavery lecturer. Several days after the story ran, Douglass delivered his first speech at the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society's annual convention in Nantucket. Crowds were The Life Of Frederick Douglass And The always hospitable to Douglass. While participating in an lecture tour through the Midwest, Douglass was chased and beaten by an angry mob before being rescued by a local Quaker family. Following the publication of his first autobiography inDouglass traveled overseas to evade recapture. He set sail for Liverpool on August 16,and eventually arrived in Ireland as the Potato Famine was beginning.

He remained in Ireland and Britain for two years, speaking to large crowds on the evils of slavery. Inthe famed writer and orator returned to the United States a free man. In New Bedford, Massachusetts, Dougoass joined a Black church and regularly Dougpass abolitionist meetings. At the urging of Garrison, Douglass wrote link published his first autobiography, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slavein The book was a bestseller in the United States and was translated into several European languages.]

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