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Media and ideology The Ideology of Media Blame. The Ideology of Media Blame

The name was coined in the s by Norodom Sihanouk to describe his country's heterogeneous, communist -led dissidents, with whom he allied after his overthrow.

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In they renamed the country Democratic Kampuchea. The Khmer Rouge regime was highly autocratictotalitarianxenophobicparanoidand repressive. The Khmer Rouge regime murdered hundreds of thousands of their perceived political opponents, and its racist emphasis on national purity resulted in the genocide of Cambodian minorities. Arbitrary executions and torture were carried out by its cadres against perceived subversive elements, or during genocidal purges of its own ranks between and The Ideology of Media Blame The Khmer Rouge then fled to Thailand, whose government saw them as a buffer force against the communist Vietnamese.

The Khmer Rouge continued to fight against the Vietnamese and the government of the new People's Republic of Kampuchea until the end of the war in The Ideolpgy governments-in-exile including Blme Khmer Rouge held onto Cambodia's United Nations seat with considerable international support untilwhen the monarchy was restored and the name of the Cambodian state was changed to the Kingdom of Cambodia.

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A year later, thousands of Khmer Rouge guerrillas surrendered themselves in a government amnesty. Ina new political party called the Democratic National Union Movement was formed by Ieng Sary, who was granted amnesty for his role as the deputy leader of the Khmer Rouge.

The Ideology of Media Blame

The term Khmers rougesFrench for red Khmerswas coined by King Norodom Sihanouk [21] : and later adopted by English speakers in the form of the corrupted version Khmer Rouge. It was used to refer to a succession of communist in Cambodia which evolved into the Communist Party of Kampuchea and later the Party of MMedia Kampuchea.

The movement's ideology was shaped by a power struggle during The Ideology of Media Blame which the so-called Party Centre led by Pol Pot defeated other regional elements of its leadership. The Party Centre's ideology combined elements Meida Marxism with a strongly xenophobic form of Khmer nationalism. Partly because of its secrecy and changes in how it presented itself, academic interpretations of its political position vary widely, [17] : 25 ranging from interpreting it as the "purest" Marxist—Leninist movement to characterising it as an anti-Marxist "peasant revolution".

The Ideology of Media Blame

Its leaders and theorists, most of whom had been exposed to the heavily Stalinist outlook of the French Communist Party during the s, [23] : developed a distinctive and eclectic "post-Leninist" ideology that drew on elements of Stalinism, Maoism and the postcolonial theory of Frantz Fanon. While the CPK described itself as the "number 1 Communist state" once it was in power, [17] : 25 some communist regimes, such as Vietnam, saw it as a Maoist deviation from orthodox Marxism.]

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