The History of Physics -

The History of Physics

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Physics is a branch of science whose primary objects of study are matter and energy. Discoveries of physics find applications throughout the natural sciences and in technologysince matter and energy are the basic constituents of the natural world. Some other domains of study—more limited in their scope—may be considered branches that have split off from physics to become Hiatory in their own right. Physics today may be divided loosely into classical physics and modern physics.

The History of Physics

Elements of what became physics were drawn primarily from the fields of astronomyopticsand mechanicswhich were methodologically united through the study of geometry. These mathematical disciplines began in antiquity with the Babylonians and with Hellenistic writers such as Archimedes and Ptolemy. The move towards a rational understanding of nature began Hishory least since the Archaic Physlcs in The History of Physics — BCE with the Pre-Socratic philosophers. The philosopher Thales of Miletus 7th and 6th centuries BCEdubbed "the Father of Science" for refusing to accept various supernatural, religious or mythological explanations for natural phenomenaproclaimed that every event had a natural cause. Anaximanderfamous for his proto- evolutionary theory, disputed Thales' ideas and proposed that rather than water, a substance called apeiron was the building block of all matter.

Around BCE, Heraclitus proposed that the only basic law governing the Universe was the principle of change and that nothing remains in the same state indefinitely. This observation made him one of the first The History of Physics in ancient physics to address the role of time in the universe, a key and sometimes contentious concept in modern and present-day physics. Leucippus and his student Democritus were the first to develop the theory of atomismthe idea that everything is composed entirely of various imperishable, indivisible elements called atoms.

The History of Physics

During the classical period in Greece 6th, 5th and 4th centuries BCE and in Hellenistic timesnatural philosophy slowly developed into an exciting and contentious field of study. He attempted to explain ideas such as motion and gravity with the theory of four elements. Aristotle believed that all matter was made up of aether, or some combination of four elements: earth, water, air, and fire. According to Aristotle, these four terrestrial elements are capable of inter-transformation and move toward their natural place, so The History of Physics stone falls downward toward the center of the cosmos, but flames rise upward toward the circumference. Eventually, Aristotelian physics became enormously popular for many centuries in Europe, informing the scientific and scholastic developments of the Middle Ages. It remained the mainstream scientific paradigm in Europe until the time of Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton.

More info in Classical Greece, knowledge that the Earth is spherical "round" was common. Seleucus of Seleuciaa follower of Aristarchus' heliocentric theory, that the Earth rotated around its own axiswhich, in turn, revolved The History of Physics the Sun. Though the arguments he used were lost, Plutarch stated that Seleucus was the first to prove the heliocentric system through reasoning. A leading scientist of classical antiquity, Archimedes also developed elaborate systems of pulleys to move large objects with a minimum of effort.

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The Archimedes' screw underpins modern hydroengineering, and his machines of war helped to hold back the armies of Rome in the First Punic War. Archimedes even tore apart the arguments of Aristotle and his metaphysics, pointing out that it was impossible to separate mathematics and nature and proved it by converting mathematical theories into practical inventions. In mathematics, Archimedes used the method of exhaustion The History of Physics calculate the area under the arc of a parabola with the summation of an infinite series, and gave a remarkably accurate approximation of pi.

He also defined the spiral bearing his nameformulae for the volumes of surfaces of Histpry and an ingenious system for expressing very large TThe. He also developed the principles of equilibrium states and centers of gravityideas that would influence the well known scholars, Galileo, and Newton. Margaret And The Birth Movement — BCEfocusing on astronomy and mathematics, used sophisticated geometrical techniques to map the motion of the stars and planetseven predicting the times that Solar eclipses would happen. In addition, he added calculations of the distance of the Sun and Moon from the Earth, based upon his improvements to the observational instruments used at that time. Another of the most famous of the early physicists was Ptolemy 90— CEone of the leading minds during the time of the Roman Empire. Ptolemy was the author The History of Physics several scientific treatises, at least three of which were of continuing importance to later Islamic and European science.

The second is the Geographywhich is a thorough discussion of the geographic knowledge of the Greco-Roman world. Much of the accumulated Histoey of the ancient The History of Physics was lost. Even of the works of the better known thinkers, few fragments survived.

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Although he wrote at least fourteen books, almost nothing of Hipparchus ' direct work survived. Of the reputed Aristotelian works, only 30 exist, and some of those The History of Physics "little more than lecture notes" [ according to whom? Important physical and mathematical traditions also existed in ancient Chinese and Indian sciences. In Indian philosophyMaharishi Kanada was the first to systematically develop a theory of atomism around BCE [2] though some authors have allotted him an earlier era in the 6th century BCE. These philosophers believed that other elements except ether were physically palpable and hence comprised minuscule particles of matter.]

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