The Fourteenth Amendment s Due Process Clause -

The Fourteenth Amendment s Due Process Clause Video

Equal Protection: Crash Course Government and Politics #29 The Fourteenth Amendment s Due Process Clause.

The Fourteenth Amendment s Due Process Clause - The matchless

By Victor Li. John A. Elected to the U. House of Representatives in , he was forced into premature retirement eight years later after losing re-election. There were plenty of external factors for his loss: His Ohio district had been redrawn, and Bingham had been forced to run in unfamiliar territory; also, it was the first full year of the Civil War, and the Union soldiers who lived in his new district most of whom were Republican-leaning were off fighting the Confederates. Yet Bingham managed to cultivate a pretty warm friendship with the guy who was the most prominent Republican at the time: President Abraham Lincoln. The Fourteenth Amendment s Due Process Clause

Fourteenth Amendment is one of the Reconstruction Amendments in the U. S constitution that emphasizes on rights of U. S citizens and equal protection of laws. It formed the basis for landmark decisions regarding critical issues like abortion, racial segregation, and same sex marriages.

Section 1in the Amendment states that all people born in the United States are legally U. S citizens and of the states in which the individuals reside United States of America, Under the due process clause, the rights of all suspected offenders have to be protected and respected until when proven guilty of an offence.

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In the Equal Protection Clause, all citizens have right to life, freedom and property. Criteria that violate the amendment include using unlawfully collected evidence to prosecute a suspect, and segregation of social amenities like public schools or transport on racial basis. The Exclusionary Rule states that any evidence or information that was obtained in contravention of the Fourth Amendment is irrelevant in any court of law. It therefore regulates the use of irregularly acquired evidence.

The Fourteenth Amendment s Due Process Clause

One of the arguments supporting the Rule is that it deters law enforcers from taking part in illegal conducts. This is because of the fact one will not engage in behaviors will lead to withdrawal of evidence during court proceedings. The other argument is that it protects the integrity of the judicial system United States of America, Full enforcement of Amenndment law, including Exclusionary Rule shows the fair, neutral and equal side of the judicial system.

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The utilitarian principle has been used to argue against the Exclusionary Rule. Critics of the Rule argue that many criminals have used it to evade the hand of justice just because the evidence that could incriminate them was irregularly obtained. The other argument is that the Constitution does not mention the rule in an explicit manner. Critics have therefore questioned the constitutionality of the rule in the first place.

The other argument is that it slows down administration of justice while at the same time increasing plea bargains U. Government, I support the use of Exclusionary Rule because it is very important to respect and maintain the integrity of the judicial system. Both illegally and unlawfully obtained evidence should never be used in court proceedings irrespective of who obtained the evidence.

The Fourteenth Amendment s Due Process Clause

The 4 th Amendmnet protects individuals from search of any kind except if the act is executed with a valid search warrant. The Amendment originated from the English common law in the 17 th century United States of America, The founders of the Constitution were forced to add the amendment after a civic response to three major cases in the s.]

The Fourteenth Amendment s Due Process Clause

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