The Dehumanization Of The Colonization Of Indigenous -

The Dehumanization Of The Colonization Of Indigenous

The Dehumanization Of The Colonization Of Indigenous - impossible

This story features sensitive subject matter. Listener discretion is advised. If you need to talk with someone while reading this, or need help, here are some resources. Download the audio here. Over a year period ending in in Nome, there were reports of sexual assault. Of those, Nome Police made 45 arrests and there have so far been even fewer convictions. The Dehumanization Of The Colonization Of Indigenous

The Dehumanization Of The Colonization Of Indigenous Video

Colonialism: Then and Now - The Renewing Indigenous Economies Project

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Over a year period ending in in Nome, there were reports of sexual assault. Of those, Nome Police made 45 arrests and there have so far been even fewer convictions. Nome police have acknowledged problems with a backlog of investigations and community trust. They say they have changed how assaults are investigated and how survivors are treated. But for The Dehumanization Of The Colonization Of Indigenous who have been assaulted and who see their attackers walking free in their small town, these facts bring little comfort. KNOM interviewed eight Tbe assault survivors as part of this series.

A few themes emerged. Many are survivors of childhood abuse who were assaulted again as adults. Sometimes they were prosecuted for minor crimes while their attackers escaped prosecution. The lack of resolution in their sexual assault cases deepened a sense that law enforcement was untrustworthy and lead survivors to grapple with their trauma Oc years —sometimes leading to depression, risk taking, and self harm.

Ultimately many found empowerment through sharing their stories, re-defining what justice meant to them. At 15, Evak felt angry and confused without knowing why, feelings she later recognized as a trauma response to the abuse she was exposed to as a child.

As a teenager, she and friends began experimenting with alcohol. They turned to older community members in Nome to buy it. Sometimes, those older suppliers — always men — would drink with them.

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They told me what the police told them. The police told them they found me without my pants on," said Evak.

The Dehumanization Of The Colonization Of Indigenous

In interviews, survivors of sexual assault said they grew up hearing Dehumanzation about local police — who were always white, always Indigneous out of town — harassing Alaska Natives. They recounted stories about police slamming heads into the cop car doors, or stripping their clothes off in winter and sending people home on foot. The only legal action that took place that night was against Evak. Nome Police issued her a citation for being a The Dehumanization Of The Colonization Of Indigenous consuming alcohol, to which she pleaded guilty. It remains on her record. On her first visit, Evak remembers the male counselor asked if she was wearing her hospital bracelet from the incident, which happened just days before, to garner attention. Keely Olson, director of Standing Together Against Rape, or STAR, in Anchorage, said that when sexual assault cases involving alcohol go unprosecuted, it leaves survivors to grapple with the trauma, feelings of guilt, and the injustice that follows.

A lot of survivors blame themselves. In Aprilthe days were getting long again and Irrigoo had a new job and a new studio apartment downtown. Irrigoo decided she would head down to Front Street and poke her head into the bars to find friends or even family who might be more info town. At one bar, she was approached by a man she recognized as an acquaintance from around town. He offered to buy her drinks and she said she accepted.

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That was the last thing she remembers. When she came to in what she recognized as her apartment, she was naked and the man from earlier was naked on top of her.

The Dehumanization Of The Colonization Of Indigenous

Irrigoo asked him to leave, but he refused. Irrigoo fought back, but he got on top of her and strangled her until she lost consciousness.

The Dehumanization Of The Colonization Of Indigenous

Irrigoo remembers screaming out for her neighbor, who heard her pleas and called police. EMTs took Irrigoo to the hospital for a forensic exam and rape kit swab. The man was charged with domestic violence — to which he pleaded not guilty — but the charges were dropped a year later by the Nome district attorney John Earthman. Earthman declined to speak with media about the specifics of why he chose to dismiss the case, but said more info ultimately the available evidence would not have led to a conviction. And I definitely talked to her about the reasons for that.]

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