Spare the Rod Spoil the Child The -

Spare the Rod Spoil the Child The - simply

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Spare the Rod Spoil the Child The Video

Spare the rod, spoil the child?

Summary: Did you know that yearly statistics consistently show that Black children are mistreated and killed at significantly higher rates than White and Latino children?

Spare the Rod Spoil the Child The

Play therapy practitioners providing mental health treatment to the Black community need to be aware of cultural norms around the use of physical discipline corporal punishment. Play therapy practitioners will explore the potential long-term damage of physical discipline in Black communities that is often overlooked.

Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child: Drawing a Line in the Sand!

Adlerian play therapy principles will be used to help practitioners identify and address individual and family behaviors that lead to the use of physical discipline. Discuss the historical roots of corporal punishment in black communities and the implications for play therapy practice.

Spare the Rod Spoil the Child The

Objectives: 1. Identify healthier parenting practice alternatives to corporal punishment and its implications for play therapy practice. Discuss implications for culturally responsive practitioners incorporating play therapy into their practices.

Utilize sand tray therapy to identify cultural beliefs regarding corporal punishment.]

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