Social Issues In Homelessness -

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Social Issues In Homelessness. Social Issues In Homelessness

Homelessness and Menstruation Make an Unpleasant Combination

Social Issues In Homelessness Shay was homeless for over a year in her youth; it lead her to become a homelessness activist. She thinks, feels, and has opinions. Poverty and feminine hygiene don't mix well in any circumstances, but living on the street brings even more complications to the situation. There are a lot of things I'd rather forget about from my time spent being homeless; my menstrual periods are certainly one of them. Periods aren't particularly pleasant to put up with anyway, but adding the complication of homelessness brings inconvenience to the level of misery. Human beings strongly prefer to be clean.

It affects how they physically and emotionally feel and how people treat them. When it comes to feminine hygiene, it also affects health. You probably don't need to source all of these things Social Issues In Homelessness out for you if you have the imagination of a turnip but I'll talk about them a bit, just in case. I'm not going to pussyfoot around on the issues of poverty and menstrual hygiene; I'm going to be frank, so if you find that offensive, hit the back arrow right now. I thought I'd address the images I carefully chose and spliced to illustrate this piece because I've been questioned about it by a few who found it offensive.

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Having a period while homeless is far more disturbing, upsetting, and crude than having a period while homed and possessed of all the gleaming white cotton and super-absorbent miracles modern society has to offer. It's filthier than when one has largely uninterrupted access to hot and cold running water. On the street, it's an unpleasant reminder of vulnerability.

Social Issues In Homelessness

Nothing else Hoomelessness absolutely ordinary reminds you that you have a vagina, something other people are quite willing to viciously harm you for, like having a period while homeless. Nothing feels the same disgusting, uncomfortable way as being sick and filthy and not knowing when you'll ever be clean. I wanted an image of raw and miserable vulnerability rendered with crudeness to illustrate all that. If you are upset or disgusted by it, you are feeling just what I'd hoped you'd feel.

It's upsetting and disgusting that homeless citizens don't have adequate access to the things they need for safe, clean, comfortable Social Issues In Homelessness.

Social Issues In Homelessness

It was important to me that the image be horrifying, but still portray a person who was handling an unpleasant circumstance with grace. That was so important to me because I've spoken to homeless people and I've been one myself.]

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