Small Island and a Concise English Chinese Video
A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers by Xiaolu Guo - book talkSmall Island and a Concise English Chinese - really. happens
The territory's capital is The Valley. The name Anguilla is from the Italian anguilla , meaning "eel" in turn from the Latin anguilla , diminutive of anguis , snake in reference to the island's shape. Anguilla was first settled by Indigenous Amerindian peoples who migrated from South America. However, the Company later withdrew after its fort was destroyed by the Spanish in Traditional accounts state that Anguilla was first colonised by English settlers from Saint Kitts beginning in It is likely that the early European settlers brought enslaved Africans with them. Historians confirm that African slaves lived in the region in the early 17th century, such as slaves from Senegal living on St Kitts in the mid s. Small Island and a Concise English ChineseWe use cookies to make your online experience sweeter. We use them to help improve our content, personalise it for you and tailor our digital advertising on third-party platforms. Find answers to your big nature questions.
Nature and wellbeing: the healing power of a walk
Delve into stories about the Museum's collections, scientists and research. Uncover the history of life on Earth, from the smallest insects to the largest mammals.

British photographer Mandy Barker assembles collections of plastic pulled from water around the world. Photojournalist Kirsten Luce reveals the distressing lives of the animals held captive around the world for tourist entertainment. Changing our economic system would create a fairer, healthier, more sustainable world for everyone. Even though dinosaurs lived millions of years ago, we know about them thanks to fossils. Watch our animation to find out how dinosaur fossils formed. They aren't scientifically accurate, but the Crystal Palace dinosaurs have a special place in the history of palaeontology.
Take our quiz find out how familiar you are with the UK's plants and animals and their strategies for surviving winter. Putting up a nesting box could be a big help to your local birds. Our simple design is ideal for small songbirds and sparrows. Otters are sprainting the town red well, black and are being spotted in city rivers across the UK. Meet the remarkable fish that turned up alive indespite having been Concuse extinct for 70 million years.
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Millions of pieces of human-caused debris are orbiting Earth. But are they an issue, and what can we do about them? Weeping trees, teeth stronger than Kevlar and one of Earth's most spectacular natural events are all shaped by the Moon.

Prehistoric societies in the Britain were creating artistic source on rock as long ago as the late Ice Age. Dr Silvia Bello tells us about the gruesome yet fascinating behaviour of people living in a Somerset cave 14, years ago.
Explore Neanderthal facts, from looks to lifestyle and abilities. These early humans are far more similar to us than once believed. With armoured bodies, curly tails and limited swimming ability, Chinesse are a group of fish quite unlike any other.

As well as intriguing vent animals, the team got to see humpback whales breaching in the bay. They have blue blood, three hearts and a doughnut-shaped brain. But these aren't even the most unusual discoveries made about octopuses! Explore a 3D model of the Museum's blue whale skeleton and learn more about how these animals Chibese.
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Discover more about the people behind the headlines and how they have been overlooked by the history books. John Edmonstone was a former enslaved man who taught the young Charles Darwin the skill of taxidermy. Gilbert White's talent and passion for observing and recording nature inspired many future naturalists, including Charles Darwin. Adventuring unchaperoned in seventeenth century Anf, Maria Sibylla Merian blazed a trail for women and science. Lazing lizards, sleeping squirrels, underwater portraits, urban wildlife - explore the stories from this year's competition.
Spring is a great time to hop over to a local pond or stream to witness the wonderful life cycle of frogs. A pristine pair of ancient beetles were discovered in the Museum collection. They date back nearly 4, years.]
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