Role And Functions -

Role And Functions - agree, this

Besides the while statement just introduced, Python uses the usual flow control statements known from other languages, with some twists. Perhaps the most well-known statement type is the if statement. For example:. There can be zero or more elif parts, and the else part is optional. An if … elif … elif … sequence is a substitute for the switch or case statements found in other languages. The for statement in Python differs a bit from what you may be used to in C or Pascal. For example no pun intended :. Code that modifies a collection while iterating over that same collection can be tricky to get right.

Role And Functions Video

Role and Functions Role And Functions Role And Functions

Role and click are two words that Role And Functions be used sometimes as synonyms. However, there is a subtle difference between role and function. The main difference between role and function is that role is a part played by someone in a particular situation whereas function is the duty of someone or the natural purpose of something. What is a Role? What is a Function? What is the difference between Role and Function? Role can be defined simply as a part played by someone Ro,e a particular situation. We all play different roles in our lives. At home, we play the role of a parent, child or sibling.

What is a Role

At work, we play the role of an employee. These roles are parts of our identities.

Role And Functions

Yet different roles are associated with different responsibilities, duties, and functions. For example, the role of a mother includes responsibility of protecting the child from harm whereas the role of a child involves the duty of respecting the parents. Role can also refer to the professional position of a person or the part played by a person in a professional environment.

For Role And Functions, the role of a teacher may involve mediator of learning, disciplinarian, confidant to students, organizer of lessons, etc. The duties and functions of a profession are also associated with this word role, i.

Main Difference – Role vs Function

The Role And Functions of a police officer is to make sure that the law is obeyed. Role of a teacher may involve mediator of learning, disciplinarian, confidant to students, organizer of lessons, etc. In simple terms, function refers to the natural purpose of something or the duty of a person. For example, the function of veins in the body is to carry blood to and from the heart; similarly, the function of a security guard is to ensure the security of a place.

People who play various roles in the society has different functions. The same applies to companies and organizations. For example, Role And Functions function of a sales assistant is different from the function of the assistant manager of that company. Functions in this context refer to the duties held by a certain position.

Role And Functions

The word role is often used synonymously with function in this context. Anderson performs several important functions within the company. Role: Role is a part played by someone in a particular situation. Function: Function refers to the natural purpose of something or the duty of a person.

Role And Functions

Role: A teacher plays the role of facilitator, mediator, organizer, confidante, etc. Role: An individual can play different roles in different contexts. Function: Each role has different functions associated with it. She is currently reading for a Masters degree in English.]

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