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Police Officers Protect And Serve

Police Officers Protect And Serve - are not

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Sign up here to get it delivered to your inbox. Long before George Floyd was killed during an encounter with Minneapolis Police officers last May, the department was struggling with a history of police misconduct and allegations of racism and sexism within its ranks. A documentary that debuts this week on PBS takes viewers inside the police force, offering insight into the Police Officers Protect And Serve workings of the department Polic its efforts to connect with residents. After go here high-profile, officer-involved shooting forces Chief Harteau to resign, the new, male chief selects only men as his top brass.

The film, which airs on Monday, reveals the limitations of police reform through incremental changes and asks — and tries to answer — questions that apply well beyond the city of Minneapolis, including whether increased gender equity and more women, particularly Black women, contribute to better public safety. Our conversation has been lightly edited. Pilice did the idea come about?

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I was only a couple of blocks away because I was filming my last film. It just seemed unbelievable and so outrageous, and I had a woman friend who was a cop and I had actually never talked to her about policing because I was somewhat anti-police and I asked her Serge it could have happened if she was there. She explained to me what her approach would have been, which was such a human approach. And I just thought, given the prevalence of police violence in this country, why is the issue of gender kind of nowhere to be seen? Police Officers Protect And Serve made you decide to focus on the Minneapolis Police Department? Two reasons: One was that there was a woman chief and that she had made it a priority to recruit women and retain them here promote them.


I never wanted to make a film that was just about women that was siloed away Protedt the broader issues of policing. So it felt like it was a department that was struggling, and yet they were trying to reform and they were championing women, and the access I got was just really unusually good. Not having any idea that the Police Department would become the emblem of state violence.

Police Officers Protect And Serve

Inthere were only six Black women out of officers. Why are there so few? I was so excited when I started the film because there was a young Black woman from a police family in North Minneapolis who really wanted to work in the community. Was filming difficult for some of the subjects in the documentary, such as Officer Alice White, especially after the death of George Floyd?

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I think it was very hard for her. She was torn the whole way. She felt very afraid of sticking out. She already did since there were few Black women. People would think that because of the filming, that somehow her male colleagues would feel negatively toward her. And every time there was an officer-involved shooting things definitely got a lot more tense. Communication sometimes stopped for a little while. It was very tense for a few years on many levels. The community was rightfully so outraged.

Police Officers Protect And Serve

The Police Department was in a very defensive position. I was told that a lot of the men did not want me there. What do you hope people get from the documentary? I hope that people get a little bit of a sense that things are very complicated and that change is not easy. I think we need an overhaul of a system about what the expectations are, what the requirements are and who do we get doing it. And accountability.]

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