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Police Brutality Personal Essay Presentation

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Police bruality essay for college class i Police bruality essay for college class i.

Date published: Jul 04 Lisa Barlow.

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Posted in: Free Essay Samples Tags: essay sample police brutality free essay police brutality police brutality essay. The law gives the police the right to employ legitimate force whenever necessary to ensure apprehension and to maintain peace and order. Indeed, the law grants the police officers the privilege of employing non-negotiable force to control the behavior of citizens and guarantee public order HMH, However, the amount of appropriate force to be used in different situations remains negotiable. Normally, xlass and conscious police brutality happens towards suspects, typically from a helpless social-group such as homosexuals or racial minorities.

Police bruality essay for college class i

Many are the times that the police brutality ends up unreported. Supposedly, the police force serves and safeguards the people. However, it seems like many usually take advantage of whatever power they possess to undermine the American citizens.

Cases involving police brutality happen throughout the globe, and the issue has turned into a major among communities and police institutions HMH, The brutality assembles from physical attacks and non-physical cruelty which colleye of the use of spoken language. Therefore, the topic remains sensitive and of major concern, as it continues to tear apart the trust between police officers and civilians; this keeps breaking the country. Frequently, the cases involve a white police officer with an African-American crook encounter. Again, other marginalized communities like the Indian-Americans and Hispanic also suffer the officer brutality; this suggests that the minorities majorly experience rough police treatment.

It is important to understand that police violence is not identical to discrimination against a specific racial group.

Police bruality essay for college class i

Nevertheless, the police officer repeatedly racially profiles a certain African American. One cannot ignore the connection that police brutality has to racial profiling. Most police cruelty is pointed against marginal groups who are otherwise powerless individuals. For instance, some police officers automatically consider racial minority society members as capably dangerous despite their specific attire, gestures, or activities. Such opinion of ethnic minority communities as trouble occasionally translates into ethnically discriminatory edsay behavior. Through some high profile questionable force uses incidences, the painful memories of such injustices come back to life.

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For example, a police officer in Missouri, Ferguson, shot Michael Brown 12 times while Brown was unarmed; this https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/essay/writing-practice-test-online/scholar-critic.php after Brown matched a description of the theft suspect of a close by store Fryer, Police bruality essay for college class i The number is unbalanced to the national Black population. Statistically, the African-Americans are considerably additionally expected to lose their lives at the police officers compared to the Whites, Asian-Americans, and Latino. Again, among the murdered individuals by the officers, the black victims are above twice likely as the white targets to be unarmed during their death.

However, lately revived protests plus the human rights movement fighting for Blacks and other marginal communities expose the unfairness into the eye of the public. Regardless of the increasing recognition of the issue, officers are rarely held responsible for their brutal actions.

Biased and unnecessary force used by the officers violates the duty of the country under the global law to protect and respect to security and life rights of individuals, to freedom from subjective detention, cruel and torture, degrading and inhuman treatment, and to fairness before the law. Police violence affects individuals in different ways Police bruality essay for college class i on both their race and their socioeconomic standing, sexual orientation, gender identity and many more characteristics. Interconnecting bias forms and structural biases mix each other, intensifying rights violations. A national study reports that 60 percent of all black transsexual persons who intermingled with police testified encountering harassment or sexual or physical assault, more than 24 percent of white transsexual individuals Kennedy, Usually, the Blacks mingle with the officers more frequently compared to the Whites living in other parts; this is contributed by the greater officer activity or presence within the low-income town neighborhoods that are excessively occupied by the Blacks.]

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