My American Dream Essay The Everchanging American -

My American Dream Essay The Everchanging American - remarkable

American Dream Introduction The meaning of the American dream has been disturbing people in contemporary society. People have different concepts and aspects on their positions based on American dream. The American dream, coiled by James Adams, during the Great Depression period is the belief that any individual regardless of gender, atonality, race or class has the ability of succeeding in America and living a better life Leonhardt, 1. But the definition of the American dream has nor been achieved. Therefore, American dream has been used to provide inner views of the American society in relation to challenges such as tax evasion, systematic racism, inequality and avoiding to pay tax. It has provided myth of equality of classes, when the truth is that there is a well-developed class hierarchy in America. Despite people being different in USA, they share similar dreams. My American Dream Essay The Everchanging American

They lived in a perfect two story house with a white picket fence and a tire swing. They also owned the cutest dog named Spot. Smith worked in an office and was the picture-perfect husband and father.

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Smith stayed at home to give their children the attention they needed and take care of the home. She wore the most beautiful sundresses and always looked flawless. Little Jimmy and Sally were the perfect children and students. Does the American dream still exist? Is it still the perfect image of home and family? I believe the American Dream is alive and well, but it has evolved over time and looks different in each of our eyes. Some of us may hold similar dreams along the lines of happiness, success, love, fame and wealth but different at the same time. Immigrants come to American wanting the American dream but it looks different to them compared to me or even the guy sitting in this coffee shop across from me. My American Dream Essay The Everchanging American

He Everchanhing about how he believes that immigration is the drive for our economy. He uses his own personal experience to paint a picture to help us understand the issues that immigrants face. This article sparked my interest so much because my father is from Mexico and came to the states 24 years ago to pursue the American Dream in the land of freedom and opportunity. He has a beautiful home that he remodel by hand, an amazing wife, two children, a good job and happiness and success compared from where he started.

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He has inspired me to work hard and pursue my own dreams. I actually have a few friends that are here studying as Boise State University even though they are from Saudi Araba. Their government gives them a scholarships that pays for their schooling and some extra money for spending.

In return these student go to America or a few other choices such as Australia, United Kingdom, Japan, etc. Although in some cases these students love America so much that they choose to stay and become citizens. My Problem Solution come to the United States in search of something better than what they already had, and in most cases anything in the United States is better than Everchaning they had. That was his exact words, I did not even mention the phrase previously. He is an immigrant from Niger, Africa. He told me that he came here because he grew up in poor conditions click he wanted to come here to make a better life for him and his family and in the Ameriican run he want to take trips back to My American Dream Essay The Everchanging American and help his native community.

His American Dream is success. The American dream is seen different in the eyes of him and me. She shares her thoughts that the American Dream is not a real thing that many Everchabging achieve. Very few can go from rags to riches. I might use this source for a Everchsnging argument in my paper. The people that did start poor will stay poor forever because very rarely do people actually start out with nothing then turn into Oprah or Howard Schultz. The lower your class the fewer opportunities you have access to. Each election year each candidates promises many, many thing but usually there are not that many promises that do become reality.

Not only is our government helping us out but also immigrant t this great nation. It looks at undocumented students in the country. My own American Dream is by the time I am 30 years old I will be a nurse, in a happy marriage, maybe expecting a cute bouncing baby or owning a beautiful husky, get down to my goal weight, and live in a gorgeous home but travel as much as possible. This dream seems so far out of reach right now but it My American Dream Essay The Everchanging American what drives me every day.

It is my own personal American Dream.]

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