Labour Law in Kenya -

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Labour Law in Kenya - agree

However, despite the circumstance it does not mean that the employers should go against the Kenyan Labour Laws. In this article I will share simplified Kenyan Labour laws on salary reduction to help anyone who is in this position to know their rights under the Law. Both the Employer and the employee must still discuss and agree. As an employee where you are aggrieved by any deductions by the employer in not later than 3 years after the allegedly unlawful deductions has been made, you have the following options;. An employer is required by the Law to give an employee a written statement of any statutory statement of any statutory deductions that has been made together with a reason why they have made the termination. Where an employer is within the confines of the Law, the employer has the option of ending your contract by giving you a notice and then offering a new contract to another person on a reduced salary. I hope this information has been has been helpful, if you have any further questions just send us an email on info ruthtanuiadvocates. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Labour Law in Kenya

Has Your Salary been Reduced? The Position of Kenyan Labour Laws on Salary Reduction

Skip to main content. Littler Mendelson P. A comprehensive toolkit to assist employers with the array of vaccine-related issues in the workplace. Fueled by ingenuity. Inspired by you. At Littler, our commitment to our clients drives us to develop bold labor and employment law solutions that deliver for your business.

Labour Law in Kenya

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With the disruption of COVID on the legal landscape, litigation has shifted from the courtroom to the computer screen. Our ability to quickly pivot has been seamless, providing employers unparalleled representation in online litigation matters, wherever they are. How should employers prepare to return to work?

Labour Law in Kenya

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Labour Law in Kenya

February 5, The U. January 28, Litigation and Trials. January 21, Fisher has nearly three decades of experience serving employers throughout Alaska and the western U. January 20, ]

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