Known As One Of The Greatest Authors - thank
After working in the Klondike, Jack London returned home and began publishing stories. London, who was also a journalist and an outspoken socialist, died in Jack, as he came to call himself as a boy, was the son of Flora Wellman, an unwed mother, and William Chaney, an attorney, journalist and pioneering leader in the new field of American astrology. His father was never part of his life, and his mother ended up marrying John London, a Civil War veteran, who moved his new family around the Bay Area before settling in Oakland. London grew up working-class. He carved out his own hardscrabble life as a teen. He rode trains, pirated oysters, shoveled coal, worked on a sealing ship on the Pacific and found employment in a cannery. In his free time he hunkered down at libraries, soaking up novels and travel books. His life as a writer essentially began in That year he had weathered a harrowing sealing voyage, one in which a typhoon had nearly taken out London and his crew. Known As One Of The Greatest AuthorsKnown As One Of The Greatest Authors Video
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During a literary career that spanned more than sixty years, he wrote abundantly in an exceptional variety of genres: lyrics, satires, epics, philosophical poems, epigrams, novels, history, critical essays, political speeches, funeral orations, diaries, letters public and private, as well as dramas in verse and prose. Hugo is considered to be one of the greatest and best-known French writers. Hugo was at the forefront of the Romantic literary movement with his play Cromwell and drama Hernani.

Authorw He produced more than 4, drawings in his lifetime, and campaigned for social causes such as the abolition of capital punishment. Though a committed royalist when he was young, Hugo's views changed as the decades passed, and he became a passionate supporter of republicanism serving in politics as both deputy and senator. His work touched upon most of the political and social issues and the artistic trends of his time. His opposition to absolutism and his colossal literary achievement established him as a national hero.
Victor's mother Knoown was a devout Catholic who remained loyal to the deposed dynasty. Since Hugo's father was an officer in Napoleon's army, the family moved frequently from posting to posting, Sophie had three children in four years. Hugo later titled himself as a viscount, and it was as "Vicomte Victor Hugo" that he was appointed a peer of France on 13 April Sophie found out that Leopold had been living in secret with an Englishwoman called Catherine Thomas.
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Soon Hugo's father was called to Spain to fight the Peninsular War. Madame Hugo and her children were sent back to Paris inwhere they moved to an old convent, 12 Impasse des Feuillantinesan isolated mansion in a deserted quarter of the left bank of the Seine. Hiding in a chapel at the back Authorss the garden, was Victor Fanneau de La Horie, who had conspired to restore the Bourbons and had been condemned to death a few years earlier.

He became a mentor to Victor and his brothers. In the family joined their father in Spain, Victor and Authros brothers were sent to school in Madrid at the Real Colegio de San Antonio de Abad while Sophie returned to Paris on her own, now officially separated from her husband.]
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