Googles Bcg Matrix -

Googles Bcg Matrix - rather

Henderson for the Boston Consulting Group in to help corporations to analyze their business units, that is, their product lines. This helps the company allocate resources and is used as an analytical tool in brand marketing , product management , strategic management , and portfolio analysis. Some analysis of market performance by firms using its principles has called its usefulness into question. To use the chart, analysts plot a scatter graph to rank the business units or products on the basis of their relative market shares and growth rates. As a particular industry matures and its growth slows, all business units become either cash cows or dogs. The natural cycle for most business units is that they start as question marks , then turn into stars. Eventually, the market stops growing; thus, the business unit becomes a cash cow. At the end of the cycle, the cash cow turns into a dog. Only a diversified company with a balanced portfolio can use its strengths to truly capitalize on its growth opportunities. Googles Bcg Matrix

Thank you for visiting nature. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser or turn off Googles Bcg Matrix mode in Internet Explorer. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript. Mycobacteria naturally grow as corded biofilms in liquid media without detergent. Such detergent-free biofilm phenotypes may reflect the growth pattern of bacilli in tuberculous lung lesions.

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New strategies are required to treat tuberculosis, which is responsible for more deaths each year than any other bacterial disease. The lengthy 6-month regimen for drug-sensitive tuberculosis is necessary to remove antimicrobial drug tolerant populations of bacilli that persist through drug therapy. The role of biofilm-like growth in the generation of these sub-populations remains poorly understood despite the hypothesised clinical significance and mounting evidence of biofilms in pathogenesis. Importantly, biofilms form without attachment to artificial surfaces and without severe nutrient starvation or Googles Bcg Matrix stress. Biofilm-derived planktonic bacilli are tolerant to isoniazid and streptomycin, but not rifampicin.

This phenotypic drug tolerance is lost after Googles Bcg Matrix in drug-free media. This study engineers and characterises mycobacteria grown as a suspended biofilm, illuminating new drug discovery pathways for this deadly disease. Mycobacterium tuberculosis M. The 6-month treatment for drug-sensitive TB combines four antimicrobial drugs: isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide and ethambutol.

However, one third of all antimicrobial drug resistant AMR infections globally are caused by M. Drug-resistant TB often requires longer treatment with less effective and more toxic drug combinations, such as the aminoglycoside streptomycin 3.


The necessity of lengthy drug therapy is attributed to the presence of phenotypically antimicrobial drug tolerant M. Phenotypic drug tolerance is a temporary, reversible state in bacteria often linked to reduction in cell division rate, where antimicrobial drugs are ineffective despite bacilli being genetically susceptible 6. Drug tolerant bacilli have been identified in ex vivo leporine lung lesion caseum and in sputa from TB patients 789 Maatrix number of in vitro Googles Bcg Matrix have been developed to mimic clinically relevant microenvironments to determine the impact of hypoxia or nutrient starvation on M. However, these models alone do not capture Googles Bcg Matrix complexity of M. Mycobacteria have long been Googkes to grow in macroscopic aggregates in vivo and in vitro, as long chains of cells, known as cording. Georges Canetti described M.

Such aggregations of mycobacteria likely act as an axenic biofilm, with local microenvironments created by nutrient or oxygen gradients driving bacterial phenotypic diversity and generating potentially antimicrobial drug tolerant populations, recalcitrant to drug therapy. This corded biofilm-like phenotype is overlooked by most in vitro mycobacterial research, where detergent is added to liquid media to enhance bacterial enumeration and increase experimental reproducibility.]

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