Factors Affecting The Deficiency Of Vitamin Video
10 most common symptoms of vitamin d deficiency in adults Factors Affecting The Deficiency Of VitaminFactors Affecting The Deficiency Of Vitamin - agree, the
Compared to people with lighter skin, Black people have more melanin in their skin, which affects the body's ability to synthesize vitamin D. Vitamin D is important to the health of every system in the body, and yet many people do not get the recommended amount. Now a new spotlight has been trained on that racial gap, with emerging research into possible associations between vitamin D deficiency and the risk of serious COVID disease, including a study led by Dr. Celebrities such as Tyler Perry and Angela Bassett have joined a chorus of voices seeking to publicize these potential links. Meanwhile, other research suggests that current standards used in testing may actually lead to an overdiagnosis of vitamin D deficiency in Black people. Read on to learn about vitamin D deficiency, how Black people in the United States are at highest risk, what that means for their health, and how, if you fall into this group, to get enough of the vital nutrient. Besides helping your body absorb and use calcium to grow and maintain bone, vitamin D is involved in cell growth and blood sugar regulation. Plus, the functioning of your muscles, nerves, and immune system all get an assist from the nutrient, according to the National Institutes of Health's Office of Dietary Supplements ODS. A walk in the sun after breakfast may get you on your way to the amount of vitamin D you need for the day.Either your web browser doesn't support Javascript or it is currently turned off. In the latter case, please turn on Javascript support in your web browser and reload this page. Read article at publisher's site DOI : To arrive at the top five similar articles we use a word-weighted algorithm to compare words from the Title and Abstract of each citation.
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