Erruptions at Old Faithful Geyser -

Erruptions at Old Faithful Geyser - not torture

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Erruptions at Old Faithful Geyser Video

Old Faithful Geyser Biggest Eruption Ever!

A thermal spring in Yellowstone National Park is spewing garbage and serving as a reminder of how awful tourist behaviour can be. According to park officials, a number of random items have been found around the mouth of the Ear Spring geyser, including coins, old cans, and even an old pacifier, believed to be from the s. But in addition to scalding hot water, random items have been forced out, which park officials believe either fell in the geyser's vent or were thrown in by tourists. After Ear Spring erupted on September 15, employees found a strange assortment of items strewn across the landscape its vent!

Some are clearly historic: they'll be inventoried by curators and may end up in Yellowstone's archives. Officials Errupptions photos of some of the found items which, in addition to the pacifier and cans, include a concrete block, cigarette butts, a bear warning sign, and a Pyrex funnel with tubing. The next time Ear Spring erupts we hope it's nothing but natural rocks and water. You can help by never throwing anything into Yellowstone's thermal features! For years, Yellowstone visitors have been reprimanded for not staying on official paths, not to mention other stunts that show no regard for the environmental fragility of the park.

Inan Oregon man died after he attempted to take a dip in Erruptions at Old Faithful Geyser particularly acidic hot spring. His body was never recovered.

Not throwing garbage into a hot spring seems like a pretty easy concept to grasp.

Officials said the body dissolved before they were able to get to the remains. And just a few weeks ago a Colorado man was arrested after allegedly attempting to urinate into the Old Faithful geyser. Get the top stories emailed Erruptoins day. Newsletters may offer personalized content or advertisements. Privacy Policy.

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