Ego Theory and Bundle Theory -

Ego Theory and Bundle Theory - means

Religion portal. Buddhist philosophy refers to the philosophical investigations and systems of inquiry that developed among various Buddhist schools in India following the parinirvana i. The Buddhist path combines both philosophical reasoning and meditation. Early Buddhism was based on empirical evidence gained by the sense organs ayatana [3] and the Buddha seems to have retained a skeptical distance from certain metaphysical questions , refusing to answer them because they were not conducive to liberation but led instead to further speculation. A recurrent theme in Buddhist philosophy has been the reification of concepts, and the subsequent return to the Buddhist Middle Way. Particular points of Buddhist philosophy have often been the subject of disputes between different schools of Buddhism. Edward Conze splits the development of Indian Buddhist philosophy into three phases: [6]. Philosophy in India was aimed mainly at spiritual liberation and had soteriological goals. Attention must first of all be drawn to the fact that philosophical systems in India were seldom, if ever, purely speculative or descriptive. It was a tacit assumption with these systems that if their philosophy were correctly understood and assimilated, an unconditioned state free of suffering and limitation could be achieved. Ego Theory and Bundle Theory

This is page is a little bit long so I made a resume. Once you get it, it is actually easier to type with the proper theory than with the cognitive functions theory.

Jung Theody can be more easily understood as processes and steps. What means to be undifferentiated? Before I put Jung words, that are more complicated, I would like to explain it using components of two enneagram types. An undifferentiated type can be partially translated to someone being a type 6 and secondarily a type 9, if we get the right components of both types, so I can introduce the undifferentiated type with a more friendly and simpler wording before getting to Jung less friendly text.

Because of this reactivity, no matter what we say about Sixes, the opposite is often also as true. They are Ego Theory and Bundle Theory strong and weak, fearful and courageous, trusting and distrusting, defenders and provokers, sweet and sour, aggressive and passive, bullies and weaklings, on the defensive and on the offensive, thinkers and doers, group people and soloists, believers and doubters, cooperative and obstructionistic, tender and mean, generous and petty—and on and on. Nines can have the strength of Eights, the sense of fun and adventure of Sevens, the dutifulness of Sixes, the intellectualism of Fives, the creativity of Fours, the attractiveness of Threes, the generosity of Twos, and the idealism of Ones.

However, what they generally do not have is a sense of really inhabiting themselves—a strong sense of their own identity. Ironically, therefore, the only type the Nine is not like is the Nine itself. Being a separate self, an individual who must Ego Theory and Bundle Theory herself against others, is terrifying to Nines. They would rather melt into someone else or quietly follow their idyllic daydreams.

An undifferentiated type is basically a type that does not have a touch with the inner guidance and nor have a strong sense of identity.

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This concept goes a little beyond tests if we Bunlde completely attention, but an undifferentiated type on cognitive function tests is conceptually a person which the cognitive function standard deviation is low. This is the simple explanation of what an undifferentiated type means and this is the starting point of Jung typology. But, Ego Theory and Bundle Theory course, I need to put Jung quotations anyway and Jung gets a little deeper, so here is the Jung explanation of undifferentiation:. In this work I employ the concept of differentiation chiefly with respect to the psychological functions q. So long as a function is still so fused with one or more other functions— thinking with feeling, feeling with sensation, etc. Theoryy thinking is incapable of thinking apart from other functions; it is continually mixed up with sensations, feelings, intuitions, just as undifferentiated feeling is mixed up with sensations and fantasies, as for instance in the sexualization Freud of feeling and thinking in neurosis.]

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