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Virginia's House of Delegates on Friday passed legislation that abolished the death penalty in the state in a vote. Get smarter, faster with the news CEOs, entrepreneurs and top politicians read. Sign up for Axios Newsletters here. What they're saying: "The repeal of capital punishment in Virginia takes our Commonwealth out of the business of determining life and death and ends a practice that a majority of Virginians oppose," House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn D said after the vote, per The Washington Post. It's "important that we shut down the machinery of death here in Virginia," Northam said. Between the lines: President Biden campaigned on abolishing the federal death penalty , but has taken no action since his inauguration. Several members of Congress have urged Biden to "prioritize abolishing the death penalty," CNN writes.

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Is the Death Penalty Ever Moral?

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On Wednesday, the Virginia Senate approved legislation to abolish the death penalty, bringing the state one step closer to becoming the 23rd state to do so. The upper chamber of the General Assembly voted on the bill along party lines. The Virginia House of Delegates must still vote on the legislation — and the two chambers must agree on a matching bill — before it can be sent to Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam for signature. That matters in policy, and it matters in symbols. Down With The Death Penalty Down With The Death Penalty

Traditionally, many conservatives have favored the death penalty while liberals and left-wingers opposed it. Some states have the death penalty, while others do not.

A Possible Shut Down of the Death Penalty

The 46th president appears hellbent on undoing everything that Trump accomplished over the past four years; hence, this explains why Biden has passed more executive orders Dwon the first days of his presidency than multiple former presidents combined. Now, Newsmax is reporting that with Biden in the White House, the death penalty may soon be off the table.

According to White House officials, the 46th president is taking a very hard look at stopping the death penalty. Should this happen, Biden would instruct the Justice Department to simply cease scheduling upcoming executions.

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Shutting down the death penalty is a pretty big deal. Aside from Down With The Death Penalty from Republicans, Biden may also alienate certain members of his own party by pushing to eliminate the death penalty. Many Democrats are on board with ending the death penalty; however, there are others who view this matter as a lose-lose scenario, especially when it comes to politics.

What are your thoughts on the death penalty? Do you believe that Joe Biden will instruct the Justice Department not to schedule any additional executions?

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